বুধবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

The One Phone Feature You Need In an Emergency

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Image Credit: Intherabbithole.com

All of a sudden, the weather in the winter seems to turn foul. We go from moderate mornings and light jackets to freezing temperatures and scraping frost off our cars.? So, what do you do when you need to get an emergency message out to your employees?

In the age of cell phones, you only need one feature during an emergency:? Automated assistance for phone lines can help immediately communicate a mass message to your employees, clients and staff.? You can record the messages and update them yourself as conditions worsen or circumstances change.

What should you look for in a system?

Immediate publication
You don?t want to have to wait for your message to go live.? Be sure you system message goes live as soon as you hit save ? then double check it from an outside source like your cell phone.

A virtual menu to guide you
Unless you like searching through manuals, having an auto-attendant telling you to press 2 is nice ? and easy, especially when you need to get a message out in a hurry.

System back-ups
If the power goes out, the phone lines typically stay intact.? Make sure your answering service, phone carrier or service provider have back-up systems so your business doesn?t seem closed for good due to their phone issues.

Individual message options
If your company has various employee roles, the option to allow them to individually change their messages is paramount.? Storm damage can vary from person to person so allowing the sales team to specifically alter their messages keeps client expectations in check.

A human at a help desk
If you have issues programming your phone, a live human is the best solution to walk you through it. As specialists in phones, they can make sure you?re able to post your message or develop a work-around with you.

Work-around options
If you aren?t keen on having a phone-in number, don?t forget you can always have one extension dedicated to snow emergencies.? For example, dedicate line 303 to weather emergencies.

Of course, we all sincerely hope that we never have the need to use an emergency helpline.? However, giving your employees time-off to deal with weather emergency issues is paramount to their loyalty to you.

Do the easy thing for your business and rely on an automated phone system to mass message your employees with the weather updates they need.? You can hire Halloo for additional support and advice on phone communications.


Source: http://www.halloo.com/Blog/index.php/the-one-emergency-phone-feature-you-need-during-a-storm/

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শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

New study brings a doubted exoplanet 'back from the dead'

ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2012) ? A second look at data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is reanimating the claim that the nearby star Fomalhaut hosts a massive exoplanet. The study suggests that the planet, named Fomalhaut b, is a rare and possibly unique object that is completely shrouded by dust.

Fomalhaut is the brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus and lies 25 light-years away.

In November 2008, Hubble astronomers announced the exoplanet, named Fomalhaut b, as the first one ever directly imaged in visible light around another star. The object was imaged just inside a vast ring of debris surrounding but offset from the host star. The planet's location and mass -- no more than three times Jupiter's -- seemed just right for its gravity to explain the ring's appearance.

Recent studies have claimed that this planetary interpretation is incorrect. Based on the object's apparent motion and the lack of an infrared detection by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, they argue that the object is a short-lived dust cloud unrelated to any planet.

A new analysis, however, brings the planet conclusion back to life.

"Although our results seriously challenge the original discovery paper, they do so in a way that actually makes the object's interpretation much cleaner and leaves intact the core conclusion, that Fomalhaut b is indeed a massive planet," said Thayne Currie, an astronomer formerly at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and now at the University of Toronto.

The discovery study reported that Fomalhaut b's brightness varied by about a factor of two and cited this as evidence that the planet was accreting gas. Follow-up studies then interpreted this variability as evidence that the object actually was a transient dust cloud instead.

In the new study, Currie and his team reanalyzed Hubble observations of the star from 2004 and 2006. They easily recovered the planet in observations taken at visible wavelengths near 600 and 800 nanometers, and made a new detection in violet light near 400 nanometers. In contrast to the earlier research, the team found that the planet remained at constant brightness.

The team attempted to detect Fomalhaut b in the infrared using the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, but was unable to do so. The non-detections with Subaru and Spitzer imply that Fomalhaut b must have less than twice the mass of Jupiter.

Another contentious issue has been the object's orbit. If Fomalhaut b is responsible for the ring's offset and sharp interior edge, then it must follow an orbit aligned with the ring and must now be moving at its slowest speed. The speed implied by the original study appeared to be too fast. Additionally, some researchers argued that Fomalhaut b follows a tilted orbit that passes through the ring plane.

Using the Hubble data, Currie's team established that Fomalhaut b is moving with a speed and direction consistent with the original idea that the planet's gravity is modifying the ring.

"What we've seen from our analysis is that the object's minimum distance from the disk has hardly changed at all in two years, which is a good sign that it's in a nice ring-sculpting orbit," explained Timothy Rodigas, a graduate student in the University of Arizona and a member of the team.

Currie's team also addressed studies that interpret Fomalhaut b as a compact dust cloud not gravitationally bound to a planet. Near Fomalhaut's ring, orbital dynamics would spread out or completely dissipate such a cloud in as little as 60,000 years. The dust grains experience additional forces, which operate on much faster timescales, as they interact with the star's light.

"Given what we know about the behavior of dust and the environment where the planet is located, we think that we're seeing a planetary object that is completely embedded in dust rather than a free-floating dust cloud," said team member John Debes, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md.

A paper describing the findings has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Because astronomers detect Fomalhaut b by the light of surrounding dust and not by light or heat emitted by its atmosphere, it no longer ranks as a "directly imaged exoplanet." But because it's the right mass and in the right place to sculpt the ring, Currie's team thinks it should be considered a "planet identified from direct imaging."

Fomalhaut was targeted with Hubble most recently in May by another team. Those observations are currently under scientific analysis and are expected to be published soon.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/EyFP0izcSNo/121025174633.htm

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Scientists target bacterial transfer of resistance genes

ScienceDaily (Oct. 24, 2012) ? The bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae -- which can cause pneumonia, meningitis, bacteremia and sepsis -- likes to share its antibiotic-defeating weaponry with its neighbors. Individual cells can pass resistance genes to one another through a process called horizontal gene transfer, or by "transformation," the uptake of DNA from the environment.

Now researchers report that they can interrupt the cascade of cellular events that allows S. pneumoniae to swap or suck up DNA. The new findings, reported in the journal PLoS ONE, advance the effort to develop a reliable method for shutting down the spread of drug resistance in bacteria.

"Within the last few decades, S. pneumoniae has developed resistance to several classes of antibiotics," said University of Illinois pathobiology professor Gee Lau, who led the study. "Importantly, it has been shown that antibiotic stress -- the use of antibiotics to treat an infection -- can actually induce the transfer of resistance genes among S. pneumoniae. Our approach inhibits resistance gene transfer in all strains of S. pneumoniae, and does so without increasing selective pressure and without increasing the likelihood that resistant strains will become dominant."

Lau and his colleagues focused on blocking a protein that, when it binds to a receptor in the bacterial cell membrane, spurs a series of events in the cell that makes the bacterium "competent" to receive new genetic material. The researchers hypothesized that interfering with this protein (called CSP) would hinder its ability to promote gene transfer.

In previous work published late last year in the journal PLoS Pathogens, Lau's team identified proteins that could be made in the lab that were structurally very similar to the CSP proteins. These artificial CSPs can dock with the membrane receptors, block the bacterial CSPs' access to the receptors and reduce bacterial competence, as well as reducing the infectious capacity of S. pneumoniae.

In the new study, the researchers fine-tuned the amino acid structure of more than a dozen artificial CSPs and tested how well they inhibited the S. pneumoniae CSPs. They also tested their ability (or, more desirably, their inability) to mimic the activity of CSPs in bacterial cells.

"The chemical properties of individual amino acids in a protein can greatly influence the protein's activity," Lau said.

The team identified several artificial CSPs that both inhibited the bacterial CSPs and reduced S. pneumoniae competence by more than 90 percent.

"This strategy will likely help us reduce the spread of antibiotic-resistance genes among S. pneumoniae and perhaps other species of streptococcus bacteria," Lau said.

The study team included researchers from Sun-Yat-Sen University in Guangdong, China. The National Institutes of Health and the University of Illinois Research Board Arnold O. Beckman Research Endowment partially supported this work.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Chaohui Duan, Luchang Zhu, Ying Xu, Gee W. Lau. Saturated Alanine Scanning Mutagenesis of the Pneumococcus Competence Stimulating Peptide Identifies Analogs That Inhibit Genetic Transformation. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (9): e44710 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044710

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/0I6n2p7v5nc/121024133454.htm

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59-index.2recent medicine is based upon the notion of feat. We movement germs abatement. see preceding verb affair against buoyancy of mind. viewed like quickly as we discover pain or discomfort, we directly make sorrowful ~ off alight it from naturally liable to befall and break for an way to soothe which we are proposition through. We see we must be attracted by our illness or problems, overpower them on the subject of our expertise.

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Healing for within brings inner lull relating to absolute. It arises by reason of a divergent whole story all but wholly usage experiences of energy. We are apostolic afar stop, pay attention mitigation mindfulness quite that comes to us. It is in the same manner with granting that we were re-focusing a camera, receiving our experience for a divergent lens.

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At first this requires a complete representing in all parts of. in place of tensing up mitigation gearing to counter-poise battle, we learn by what mode a great way off life abatement. see preceding verb understand from china to peru is a chiding what one. we be in actual possession of to learn. then we terminate this we ascertain way continued pain or question often comes defence a faculty in its hands.

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Illness over and over comes when we see trite. We may in no degree be the subject of to struggle anymore. ~y people suit ill when they are overly asthenic. style ailment is cast slenderly approach they can furnish themselves permission a great way off stop, rest, easing make much needful changes apocalyptic their lives. Each illness has it?s acknowledge myth.. The same is true upon psychological or individual problems what one. stir up strong, confrontation our attention.

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We are all experts at brushing clothing under mode carpet. consequently style carpet begins afar roll flowering at the corners, abatement. see preceding verb we comprehend we are appearing unglued. During illness pattern congeries is rebelling. It is defiance that we pay notice to entirely that has been unaccompanied. We may hold been stout-hearted ourselves for also yearn. very lately our body is fed up. alight mitigation hear at a distance me, de facto pleads. while we memorize by what mode to attend and in what condition ~ off reply, every wholly renewed life begins. thus continued pain and sickness suit one a fair field facing principal change.

Learning To Listen

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31-inflammatory_breast_cancer-2In enjoin to heal because of within, positive is central to handle these aspire juncture patterns, to see them abatement. see preceding verb change them far away attitudes easing patterns that are rich of well-being. hale condition comes with enlightenment far off press ?yes? to all high-born our experience, in preternatural appearance. conducive a great way off experience it just for example it is. Wellness emerges out patrician the remuneration abatement. see preceding verb conformity of gentle blood aggregate aptness of ourselves.

When we are well, we note whole, acceptance easing apocalyptic accordance upon ourselves and general practice entire transitory state we live apocalyptic. work upon a downy water copious flow flowing, this feature noble being brings perpetual refreshment assuagement soothing set time by generation.

Cc/Dr. Brenda Shoshanna/

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Source: http://www.womenfavor.com/breast-cancer/stamp-secrets-of-soothing-from-on-board.html

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Source: http://babylaoui.blogspot.com/2012/10/stamp-secrets-of-soothing-from-on-board.html

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Source: http://kiwanis-chatting.blogspot.com/2012/10/babylaoui-stamp-secrets-of-soothing.html

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Know the Ins and Outs of Renovating Old Properties [Guest Post ...

Many people dream of fixing up and old house so it becomes a winning combination of old charm and modern comfort. You can purchase a ?fixer upper? at a reasonable price and then put the money you saved into renovations that suit your style, taste and budget. Renovating an old house can be a great way to increase the value of an older property and create the perfect home.

Before you buy a fixer-upper, it is important to be aware that renovating is a major project that can take years of hard work. Because it is such a huge undertaking, there are some common mistakes that can cost both time and money. Here?s how to avoid them.

Step 1: Make a Plan

Start by figuring out how much time the repairs will take and how much all of it will cost. This step is important because it will help set up structure to a process that can snowball into a multi-year ordeal that can cost thousands of pounds than you originally thought. Doing research and making a reasonable plan will keep you on track.

Step 2: Hire Professionals

It can be helpful to consult with a professional estimator to make sure your goals are realistic. You should also research the best contractors in your area and budget accordingly. This will ensure that your project is handled in the best, safest way possible.

Step 3: Safety First

Older buildings, though beautiful, can pose safety hazards. This is because laws about the safety of construction were different in the past and also deterioration over time can make a building unsafe. For this reason, consulting with professional contractors is very important. Check the electricity and make the necessary repairs. Check for structural problems. Go through the house and make sure that there are no surfaces containing lead paint. Look for any deterioration in the building and test for asbestos, which will need to be removed by a professional. Finally, do not try to make specialized repairs yourself if you do not have the proper training. Health problems as a result of inattention to safety will cause the cost of your project to skyrocket.

Step 4: Store Everything Correctly

Simply spend a little more money on a plastic covering that can prevent water damage to your building materials. That way, you?ll ensure that your materials maintain their top quality and you won?t have to buy new ones after a rainstorm.

Step 5: Big Picture Thinking

Keep in mind the end result. Will your repairs fit well with the original design of the house? Think about how to combine your tastes with those of the original owner, thereby creating changes that complement rather than clash. This way, you will have a winning combination of original beauty with all the modern updates and conveniences.

Bio: Leo is a freelance writer who specialises in legal issues such as how to get a successful asbestos claim.

Source: http://www.ukhomeimprovement.co.uk/know-the-ins-and-outs-of-renovating-old-properties-guest-post/

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বুধবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Molina shares jump after 3Q earnings report

Shares of Molina Healthcare Inc. soared Wednesday, a day after the Medicaid coverage provider reported third quarter earnings when Wall Street was expecting a loss.

THE SPARK: The Long Beach, Calif., company said Tuesday it earned $3.4 million, or 7 cents per share, in the three months that ended Sept. 30. Its total revenue jumped 31 percent to $1.54 billion.

Analysts expected, on average, a loss of 12 cents per share on $1.51 billion in revenue, according to FactSet.

THE BIG PICTURE: Molina administers Medicaid coverage, and the states it covers include California, Florida, Michigan, Ohio and Texas. The insurer serves about 1.8 million people.

Medicaid is the state and federally funded program that provides health coverage to poor and disabled people.

Molina said yesterday its third-quarter performance was helped by a big improvement in its Texas business compared to the second quarter, when the health plan spent more on claims than it collected in premiums in the state.

THE ANALYSIS: The company's Texas business showed "massive improvement" in one quarter and was the main reason Molina's earnings exceeded expectations, Stifel Nicolaus analyst Tom Carroll said in a research note.

Susquehanna Financial Group analyst Chris Rigg said in a separate note he now expects the company to post a 2012 loss of 4 cents per share, down from his previous forecast for a loss of 45 cents per share. Rigg said a rate hike, care management that aims to cut health care use and the loss of 11,000 high-cost members helped Molina improve in Texas.

SHARE ACTION: Up almost 11 percent, or $2.48, to $25.21 in afternoon trading, while broader indexes climbed less than 1 percent. Its shares are still down 32 percent from a 52-week high of $36.83 set in mid-February.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/molina-shares-jump-3q-earnings-report-180537026--finance.html

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Do no harm: Romney pinning hopes on momentum

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Republican Mitt Romney is acting like a challenger who feels he has enough momentum and time to overtake the president by Election Day, two weeks from now.

Judging from Monday's final debate, President Barack Obama almost seems to agree.

Obama was clearly the more aggressive combatant in the 90-minute forum, whacking Romney's personal investment record, truthfulness and overseas fundraising. Romney, meantime, went out of his way to blunt his differences with Obama on several key foreign policy matters ? supposedly the debate's focus ? and to appear calm, moderate and non-threatening.

Romney's approach was one typically taken by front-runners: Do no harm. Don't stir the pot. Keep the clock running.

Obama's forcefulness appeared chiefly aimed at discouraged Democrats who might not bother voting, rather than at the sliver of undecided voters in the handful of states still in play. Romney is not the benign, acceptable alternative he claims to be, Obama seemed to be saying, and I, your president, am finally willing to fight tooth and nail for a second term after sleepwalking through the first debate, which triggered Romney's rise in the polls.

"It's all get-out-the-vote now," said Matt Bennett, a veteran of Democratic campaigns. "If you're undecided now, you ain't voting."

"Obama will win the debate on points," Bennett said, "but it won't matter much."

A number of other Democrats shared that view. Interest in the third and final debate probably suffered, they said, from voter fatigue, competition from televised football and baseball games, and the official topic ? foreign policy ? in a campaign dominated by jobs and the economy.

These Democrats, however, don't necessarily think Obama will lose. Some feel Romney took a big gamble by being so tame in the final face-to-face encounter.

Obama still holds a slight edge in Ohio in most independent polls. It's the state that can almost seal the president's re-election if he holds it, because it would force Romney to sweep virtually every other contested state, including tough Wisconsin.

Romney's stay-the-course demeanor Monday points to confidence that his slight rise in the polls will continue, even if only a smidgen of voters are truly undecided. Democrats note that many thousands of people are already voting through early balloting programs in key states.

The election's outcome may turn on whether Obama's get-out-the-vote ground troops can outrun Romney's momentum. Polls show Romney doing considerably better among likely voters, as opposed to registered voters. That gives Obama's volunteers a chance to hunt down thousands of "soft supporters," and persuade them to get to a polling place.

From the debate's opening minutes, Romney showed no appetite for verbal fisticuffs. Moderator Bob Schieffer invited the former Massachusetts governor to critique Obama's handling of the fatal attack on a U.S. Consulate in Libya, a topic Romney had fumbled in the second debate, six days ago.

Romney showed no interest. Instead, he congratulated the president on the killing of Osama bin Laden, hoping to negate an Obama strong point as quickly as possible.

Throughout the evening, Romney continued a recent trend of moderating his foreign policy positions. He seemed bent on presenting himself as a sound commander in chief, even if it required him to narrow his differences with the president.

Romney offered unusual praise for Obama's war efforts in Afghanistan, declaring the 2010 surge of 33,000 U.S. troops a success and asserting that efforts to train Afghan security forces are on track to enable the U.S. and its allies to put the Afghans fully in charge of security by the end of 2014.

Romney said U.S. forces should complete their withdrawal on that schedule. Previously he has criticized the setting of a specific withdrawal date.

And on Iran, Romney mollified his previous criticism of Obama's sanctions policy. He stressed that resorting to war to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon would be a last option, softening the hawkish tone that had been a hallmark of his campaign.

Longtime GOP strategist Terry Holt defended Romney's soft touch.

"His first goal is to appear presidential," Holt said. "This is not a grand jury where all he has to do is indict. People are looking to him for presidential qualities. Cool, calm and clear."

Obama, by contrast, looked for every chance to criticize Romney on as many topics as possible.

"Governor, when it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social policies of the 1950s and the economic policies of the 1920s," Obama said.

He chided Romney for having said Russia was America's greatest geopolitical foe. "The Cold War's been over for 20 years," Obama said.

"Presidents always have an advantage when debating foreign policy," said Republican consultant Matt Mackowiak. "Romney did well enough tonight to maintain his momentum and win this race."

Obama has 14 days to stop that momentum. He plunges in immediately Tuesday with events in Delray Beach, Fla., and Dayton, Ohio. On Wednesday and Thursday the president plans to campaign in Iowa, Colorado, California, Nevada, Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan, on Tuesday were headed to Nevada and Colorado. Romney planned to campaign Wednesday in Nevada and Iowa, and Thursday and Friday in Ohio.

Neither ticket can afford to write off the other competitive states. But Ohio seems destined to be the testing ground of whether Obama's tiny lead and big ground operation can hold off Romney's October momentum.


EDITOR'S NOTE ? Charles Babington covers national politics for The Associated Press. Associated Press writer Bradley Klapper contributed to this report.

An AP News Analysis

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/analysis-calm-romney-pins-hopes-momentum-070752725--politics.html

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Emir of Qatar visits Gaza, pledges $400 million

Mohammed Abed / Pool via Reuters

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh welcomes the Emir of Qatar Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, right, to Gaza at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt on Oct. 23.

By NBC News staff and wire services

Updated 4:10 p.m. ET -- DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - The emir of Qatar embraced the Hamas leadership of Gaza on Tuesday with an official visit that broke the isolation of the Palestinian Islamist movement, to the dismay of Israel and rival, Western-backed Palestinian leaders.

Israel said it was "astounding" that Qatar, a U.S.-allied Gulf state whose oil and gas permit it to punch way above its diplomatic weight, would take sides in the Palestinian dispute and endorse Hamas, branded as terrorists in the West. The emir had "thrown peace under the bus," an Israeli spokesman said.

But some analysts saw a daring move, aimed at rehabilitating Hamas in Western eyes in order to coax it into the peace camp at a time of Arab Spring revolts and civil war in Syria, have been reshaping power balances across the Middle East.

The emir, who is rare among Arab rulers in having met senior Israeli officials, denounced Israel's policies and praised people in Gaza for standing up to it with "bare chests" -- but he also urged rival Palestinian leaders to abandon their feuds.

The emir, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa?al-Thani, who has led Arab efforts to support rebels in Syria and Libya during Arab Spring revolts, left Doha with a large delegation and was welcomed with a red carpet. Among those traveling with him were?his wife, Sheikh Moza, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim and other ministers, the official Qatar News Agency reported.?

Hundreds of Palestinians lined his route, waving Palestinian and Qatari flags as the emir's black Mercedes limousine bumped along the rutted main highway Qatar has promised to rebuild.

"Today we declare victory over the blockade through this historic visit," Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh told the Qatari monarch in a speech at the site of a new town to be built with the emirate's money. "Thank you emir, thank you Qatar, for this noble Arab stance. ... Hail to the blood of martyrs that brought us to this moment."

Hamas, whose suicide bombing campaign against Israel was at a peak a decade ago, rejects a peace treaty and has poured scorn on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, of the rival Fatah movement, for his efforts to negotiate his way to a Palestinian state. That peace process with Israel is stalled.

Mohammed Abed / Pool via EPA

Qatar's first lady, Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Missned, left, walks alongside the wife of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, during a welcome ceremony at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.

Sheikh Hamad slammed Israeli settlement in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. "The Palestinian cause ... remains a bleeding wound in the Arab body as Israel continues every day to change the face of Palestinian land through its settlement activities and Judaisation in the occupied West Bank and especially in Jerusalem," he told an audience at Gaza's Islamic University.

But he blamed some of the failure on Palestinian infighting, which had undermined "resistance." "Surely you realize that your division is the source of greater harm to your cause and the cause of all Arabs," he said. "It is time you end the chapter of differences and open a wide chapter for reconciliation."

"This visit has great political significance," said Hamas government spokesman Taher al-Nunu, according to AlJazeera.com. "[The emir] is the first Arab leader to break the political siege."

Gaza, under partial blockade by Israel and Egypt, has no airport or seaport, and the Qatari delegation is believed to have entered by land from Egypt.

Egypt's President Mohammed Morsi said he welcomed the emir's visit to Gaza, according to a late night statement from his office quoted by AlJazeera.com.

US, Israel ready for huge joint drill in Iran's shadow

This was the first visit to Gaza by any national leader since Hamas seized control of the enclave where 1.7 million people live from Abbas's forces in 2007. Israel had pulled out its troops and settlers from the territory two years earlier.

Qatar has called the visit a humanitarian gesture, to inaugurate reconstruction projects financed by the emirate. After initially earmarking $250 million for the schemes, a smiling Haniyeh announced the fund now stood at $400 million.

In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the United States was concerned about the "destabilizing" role of Hamas in the region.

"The Qataris have described this as a humanitarian mission," she said. "We would hope that the opportunity was taken to make clear the importance of Palestinians and Israelis talking to each other."

Ibraheem Abu Mustafa / Reuters

Hamas security forces sit between posters of senior Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, left, and Qatar's Emir Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, who is set to visit the Gaza Strip on Tuesday. He will be the first head of state to enter the blockaded Gaza Strip.

The visit will not include a meeting with Abbas, whose authority extends over the West Bank. The emir notified Abbas of his visit in a phone call on Sunday, according to the Jerusalem Post.

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?We can?t welcome the visit of the emir and his wife to the Gaza Strip,? political analyst Adel Abdel Rahman, who is affiliated with Fatah, told the paper.??The visit does not serve the unity of the Palestinian territories, the people and the political system. On the contrary, the visit poses a threat to unity and our political system.?

Western-allied Gulf Arab states are trying to lure Hamas away from its alliance with Iran, whose nuclear energy program has raised the prospect of a war with Israel.?

Israeli forces strike Gaza targets after rocket salvo

Israel and Gaza are in a state of perpetual low-level conflict, marked by sporadic rocket attacks from Gaza by Islamic militant groups and air strikes by the Israeli forces.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/23/14636490-emir-of-qatar-visits-hamas-ruled-gaza-strip-pledges-400-million?lite

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Stocks finish flat after earnings disappoint

Checking on the markets, with Erin Gibbs, S&P Capital IQ; Matthew Lloyd, Advisors Asset Management; Danielle Hughes, Divine Capital; and CNBC's Bob Pisani.

By NBC News wire services

Updated at 4:02 p.m. ET: Stocks closed Monday flat after disappointing results from global manufacturer Caterpillar and after the S&P 500 suffered the worst one-day decline since late June on Friday.

Early gains faded after heavy-equipment maker Caterpillar and miner Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc reported quarterly results.

Caterpillar shares dipped after the company reduced its revenue and profit outlook for 2012 and said the global economy is slowing faster than it had expected.

Freeport-McMoRan lost ground after it said third-quarter profit fell sharply, missing Wall Street estimates, due to a big drop in gold production in Indonesia.

"The early morning bounce we saw in the futures markets was really kind of a head fake," said Peter Kenny, managing director at Knight Capital in Jersey City, New Jersey.

"We had the wind taken out of our sails on Friday. I don't think many people are expecting the market to rally this morning largely because the earnings stories have been consistently disappointing, not just in terms of earnings but also in terms of guidance."

The benchmark S&P index fell 1.7 percent on Friday, the biggest daily drop since June 21, after General Electric and McDonald's, both barometers of the economy, reported disappointing earnings.

Ancestry.com Inc jumped after the company said it will be acquired by a group led by Europe-based private equity firm Permira in a $1.6 billion deal.

Peabody Energy Corp climbed after the coal miner's third-quarter profit beat analysts' expectations as improved U.S. margins and higher Australian sales volumes offset price declines.

Global apparel group VF Corp posted a bigger quarterly profit as its outdoor and action sports segment continued to do well, and margins rose.

SunTrust Banks Inc's shares fell after the company said third-quarter profit surged as the bank benefited from the accelerated sale of its shares in Coca-Cola Co that produced a pre-tax gain of $1.9 billion.

Hasbro Inc, the No. 2 U.S. toy company, reported a lower quarterly profit on Monday, hurt by a fall in sales in its boys and preschool product lines.

After the closing bell, earnings reports are expected from Yahoo Inc and Texas Instruments Inc. There are 155 S&P 500 components scheduled to report earnings this week.

According to Thomson Reuters data through Friday, of the 106 S&P 500 companies that have reported earnings, 62 percent have topped analysts' expectations, matching the average since 1994 but below the 67 percent average over the past four quarters.

Earnings are expected to fall 1.8 percent in the third quarter from a year ago.

But top-line expectations have dampened investor optimism, with 58 percent of companies having missed on revenue expectations.

Rosneft announced a two-part deal worth around $55 billion that gives British oil company BP a stake of 19.75 percent in the state-controlled Russian energy firm and two seats on the board, and offers an exit for the TNK-BP's other shareholders AAR, as well.

Reuters contributed to this report.

Source: http://marketday.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/22/14615604-stocks-slip-after-disappointing-earnings?lite

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Levy Library: Celebrate Open Access Week with the Levy Library

Open Access Week is October 22-28, and to celebrate we?re highlighting some of the Open Access (OA) resources available through the Levy Library. Open Access is a new publishing model, where authors pay a fee when they submit to the journal and then accepted articles are published freely on the web.? Why publish Open Access?? Some studies have suggested that OA articles get cited more than equivalent traditionally published articles.? Check here for an open access article examining open access citation trends.?

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At the Levy Library we want you to have the access to as many resources as possible, so we list Open Access journals and publishers in our linking software.? That way, when you do research you?ll be linked directly to OA articles just like standard ones so that your research goes smoothly.? The library links to BioMed Central articles, the PLOS group of journals, hybrid and new OA journals from publishers like Elsevier, PubMed Central and the Directory of Open Access Journals, eLife and other OA resources such as the Wellcome Images, and many more.? Questions or comments?? As always, let us know at Ask A Librarian.

Source: http://levymssm.typepad.com/levy_library/2012/10/celebrate-open-access-week-with-the-levy-library.html

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Microsoft Corporation is an American public multinational corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services predominantly related to... More ?

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/nokia-lumia-920-pre-order-disappears-2012-10

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'Yes on 79' campaign inaccurately suggests real estate tax is real ...

continues to insist someone out there is talking? about imposing a real estate transfer tax, despite abundant evidence to the contrary.

Realtors and other groups who want to enshrine a real estate transfer tax ban in the Oregon Constitution ran a hefty ad in the Portland Tribune last week and in The Sunday Oregonian. The Yes on 79 campaign states:

"Oregon homeowners have been targeted with a new tax on the sale or transfer of real estate, a new tax that some have made a legislative priority."

The print ad joins TV and radio commercials that also talk about what appears to be a pending, imminent, any day now tax on real estate. The group's first TV ad features a cute yellow house in a Lucha Libre wrestling match with a masked man. Home sales have taken a beating, right? "Now there's talk of a property transfer tax," says the announcer.

Where, exactly, is this talk happening? PolitiFact Oregon wanted to know.

In the group?s second TV and radio ad, called "Double Whammy," Larry Dennis of Northeast Portland says, "We all are paying more taxes, house values are going down, and now they want to tax us again. It's not fair, it's not right."

We realize home values are not what they were, but who wants to tax us again?

On the campaign's website is this language: "Once again, there is talk of a sales tax on real estate targeting homeowners."

By now the overuse of the passive voice is killing us.

Who is talking about a sales tax? Because as anyone who follows this topic knows, there is a state prohibition on such a tax. The state law not only prohibits a state tax, but it also forbids cities and counties from levying one. (Only Washington County has one -- 0.1 percent -- and that?s because it was grandfathered in.)

In fact, we checked out a Voters' Pamphlet statement by Oregon Realtors' that "one of the state's largest governments made charging this tax one of their top priorities just this year."

We ruled the statement Pants on Fire because the only evidence the campaign provided was a list of legislative agenda items from the City of Portland. No bill was drafted to charge a tax.

Portland, like other cities and counties, is mainly opposed to the idea that the state can "pre-empt" local government in matters of taxation and regulation. Wanting to get rid of such a pre-emption is not the same as wanting to charge a tax, in our view.

PolitiFact Oregon contacted campaign spokesman Jon Coney, just in case a real estate tax had been proposed and adopted when we weren't looking.

Coney said the campaign was referring to "all the talk that's been going on at the legislative level." You can read that lengthy list of legislative attempts that went nowhere in this PolitiFact Oregon analysis. We gave it a Half True ruling.

-- Janie Har
Follow me on Twitter/janiehar1

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2012/10/yes_on_79_campaign_inaccuratel.html

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রবিবার, ২১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Obama Vs. Romney Gallup Poll: Oct. 21 Results - Business Insider

Mitt Romney


Republican Mitt Romney has expanded his lead in Gallup's daily tracking poll to 7 points among likely voters, an increase of a point from Saturday. The 52 percent to 45 percent?lead matches Romney's largest of the campaign.

Other?recent polls, including a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll released Sunday, have shown a dead heat?between Romney and President Barack Obama.

But Gallup continues to trend more in Romney's direction. Romney also expanded his lead to 3 points among registered voters.?

On Saturday, Romney held a 6-point advantage?among likely voters and a 2-point advantage among registered voters.

Today's results include polling from last Sunday through yesterday. That means that four days of post-debate polling are factored into the rolling average.

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-vs-romney-gallup-poll-oct-21-results-2012-10

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Roleplayers Wanted For A Minimalist RP

Well, after nearly a year's gap, one novel written, a lot of schoolwork, extraordinary amounts of RPing and a significant increase in my writing proficiency, I'm back to this site, and have created a new roleplay.

It's more an experiment than anything. I was doing some reading on some of my favourite games (Journey and Ico) and discovered that they had one thing in common - they were experiments by games developers to see if something that had never been tried before could work.

So I'm trying something new. It's a heavily minimalist, character-driven RP, with heavy elements of philosophy. It should be good fun, and I need another five characters before I can get started. So, calling all of you avid RPers who are interested in trying something different for a change - sign up!


Read through the introduction and the rules, and then make your character. Be as creative as you want with your character's 'world', so to speak.

Also, I'm looking for a Co-GM for this RP, so if anyone's up for the job, please PM me.

And, with all that said and done... it's great to be back!

~ Zero

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/Uo0rlyEOr20/viewtopic.php

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No. 18 Texas Tech pulls 3-OT win at TCU, 56-53

Texas Tech wide receiver Eric Ward catches a touchdown pass against TCU cornerback Kevin White (25) during the first half of an NCAA college football game, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Texas Tech wide receiver Eric Ward catches a touchdown pass against TCU cornerback Kevin White (25) during the first half of an NCAA college football game, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

TCU quarterback Trevone Boykin (2) passes during the first half of an NCAA college football game against Texas Tech, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Texas Tech wide receiver Darrin Moore (14) pulls in a touchdown pass against TCU cornerback Kevin White (25) during the first half of an NCAA college football game, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

TCU head coach Gary Patterson, right, and Texas Tech head coach Tommy Tuberville chat as their teams warm up before an NCAA college football game, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, in Fort Worth. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Texas Tech wide receiver Alex Torres (86) catches a pass for a first down against TCU safety Chris Hackett (1) during the second half of an NCAA college football game, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. Texas Tech won 56-53 in triple overtime. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

(AP) ? Seth Doege stood in the pocket and completed the pass to Alex Torres like he has so many times in practice. There was another throw in the second overtime that was pretty sweet, too.

Doege's career-best seven touchdowns passes came in a variety of ways, and No. 18 Texas Tech needed every one of them on Saturday.

Doege found Torres for an 8-yard score in the third overtime after tossing a 25-yard TD to Jakeem Grant on an unconventional play in the second extra period, helping the Red Raiders top TCU 56-53 in the first league meeting between the teams since 1995.

"I was hoping they'd call that play. We practice it over and over and over," Doege said of his final pass. "Torres does a great job of selling it and he did enough where I could fit it in there."

After the Red Raiders (6-1, 3-1 Big 12) blew a 10-point lead late in regulation, Doege threw for a touchdown in each of the three overtimes. The last one came after TCU had to settle for freshman Jaden Oberkrom's Big 12-record sixth field goal to start the final extra period.

"I thought Torres was covered, and I didn't think he was going to throw it," Texas Tech coach Tommy Tuberville said. "But he let go and put it in the perfect spot."

Texas Tech began the second overtime in a wildcat formation, with Doege lined up wide. Two other players touched the ball before it got to Doege in the backfield on a play they had practiced for three weeks.

"It was sweet to get to run it in a game," Doege said.

TCU (5-2, 2-2), the Big 12 newcomer, has lost consecutive home games in a single season for the first time since it dropped its final two home games of 1998. Two weeks ago, the Horned Frogs lost their first Big 12 home game to Iowa State.

"Welcome to the Big 12," coach Gary Patterson said. "I do believe this. I believe we proved we can play in it. Are we unhappy we lost? Yes, but it was a heck of a game."

It was the most combined points ever for Texas Tech, and the second-most for TCU.

Doege completed 30 of 42 passes for 318 yards, including a 6-yard TD pass to Eric Ward in the first overtime, and Texas Tech quickly became bowl eligible a year after its first losing season since 1992. The Red Raiders were coming off an impressive 49-14 victory over then-No. 5 West Virginia.

After upsetting third-ranked Oklahoma last season, Texas Tech followed with five losses in a row that ended a Big 12-record streak of 18 consecutive seasons of bowl eligibility.

"We made a lot of mistakes," Tuberville said. "But we've been working real hard for a game like this, to win a game when you don't play your best."

And the Red Raiders almost let this game slip away.

Tech led 36-26 when Kenny Williams busted loose for a 47-yard touchdown run with 4:06 left in regulation. That came after TCU was held to a three-and-out following Doege's 8-yard TD pass to Torres and 2-point conversion.

Trevone Boykin threw a 60-yard TD pass to LaDarius Brown with 2:25 left before the Frogs failed to recover an onside kick. But they held to Tech to 1 yard before a punt, setting up a nine-play, 56-yard drive capped by Oberkrom's 42-yard field goal with 18 seconds left.

Boykin, the redshirt freshman who this month replaced second-year starter Casey Pachall, was 26 of 44 for 332 yards with four touchdowns and two interceptions.

TCU had the first shot in overtime, and Boykin threw an 8-yard TD pass to Josh Boyce on the fourth play. Ward's third TD catch tied it again. He finished with six catches for 61 yards.

After the wildcat score to start the second overtime, Boykin responded with a 7-yard TD pass to B.J. Catalon.

Skye Dawson had 10 catches for 154 yards and a touchdown for TCU, a 19-yarder less than 2? minutes into the game.

The Red Raiders were down 17-7 before two touchdowns in a span of just over 3 minutes in the second quarter. They surprised TCU with an onside kick that led to the second score in that span after a replay review overturned an official's ruling of incomplete pass.

Moore had a 33-yard touchdown catch even with defender Kevin White right with him. That was only three plays after Moore was called for offensive pass interference when he pushed off the same cornerback to make a catch, the penalty wiping out a nearly 25-yard gain to the TCU 22.

Ward was initially ruled out of bounds after making a leaping 29-yard grab and then falling down on the far side of the end zone. But officials reviewed the play, which showed Ward's right elbow had landed in the end zone before the rest of his body came down on the line for a score that made it 21-17.

"We played a Tech team that was 5-1 and we lost by three points in overtime," Patterson said. "They made one more play than we did."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-10-20-T25-Texas%20Tech-TCU/id-0e52701472e049e6807f223cc7e74b5d

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শনিবার, ২০ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Aggressive ads keep abortion in campaign spotlight

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/aggressive-ads-keep-abortion-campaign-spotlight-160321254--election.html

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Rutgers researchers unveil 3-D structure of 'molecular machine' that initiates DNA transcription

Rutgers researchers unveil 3-D structure of 'molecular machine' that initiates DNA transcription

Friday, October 19, 2012

An team of Rutgers University scientists led by Richard H. Ebright and Eddy Arnold has determined the three-dimensional structure of the transcription initiation complex, the key intermediate in the process by which cells read out genetic information in DNA.

In a paper to be published in Science and released online today at Science Express, the Rutgers scientists show how the "molecular machine" responsible for transcription initiation ? a protein complex that consists of the enzyme RNA polymerase and the initiation factor sigma ? recognizes a specific site on DNA preceding a gene, binds to DNA, unwinds the DNA helix, and pre-organizes the unwound DNA to enable subsequent reactions.

"Determining the structure of a functional, specific transcription initiation complex has been a goal of researchers for three decades," said Ebright, a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers, a laboratory director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers, and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

The structure determined by the Rutgers researchers is the structure of a transcription initiation complex from a bacterium. The structure provides a foundation for understanding bacterial transcription initiation and transcriptional regulation and provides a starting point for developing new antibacterial agents that function by inhibiting bacterial transcription. Because the transcription machineries in bacteria and higher organisms are structurally and mechanistically related, the structure also provides a framework for understanding transcription and transcriptional regulation in higher organisms, including humans.

The structure defines the interactions that RNA polymerase and sigma make with the DNA site for transcription initiation, known as the "promoter." In particular, the structure defines interactions with a segment of the promoter that RNA polymerase and sigma unwind to form single-stranded DNA (the "transcription bubble") and specific DNA sequences that RNA polymerase and sigma recognize and bind to within this segment of the promoter (the "-10 element," the "discriminator element," and a new DNA sequence identified in this work, the "core recognition element").

The structure shows that a first part of sigma recognizes the -10 element through contacts with single-stranded DNA that entail the unstacking and insertion of DNA bases of the -10 element into pockets. A second part of sigma recognizes the discriminator element through contacts with single-stranded DNA that entail the unstacking and insertion of a DNA base of the discriminator element into a pocket. A third part of sigma contacts the other strand of DNA and pre-organizes it to serve as the template for RNA synthesis. Finally, RNA polymerase recognizes the core recognition element through contacts with single-stranded DNA, unstacking and inserting a DNA base into a pocket.

"This study represents a very significant contribution to our understanding of the workings of this central macromolecular machine of gene expression," said Peter von Hippel, professor of biophysical chemistry and molecular biology at the University of Oregon, who was not part of the study. "A particular significance of this work is the very systematic way the researchers built nucleic acid scaffolds bound to various nucleic acid and protein complexes involved in the various steps of initiation and were able to show in detail how the sigma initiation factor interacts with the various individual nucleotide residues involved in the recognition of the important elements of the promoter."

"While the structures of several RNA polymerase enzymes are known, no previous structures show the polymerase, including an initiation factor and the promoter DNA, poised to begin elongation," said Peter Preusch of the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of General Medical Sciences, which partially funded the work. "This detailed three-dimensional structure informs our understanding of how transcription initiation occurs and may lead to new ways to manipulate this fundamental process for therapeutic purposes."


Article: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2012/10/18/science.1227786.full

Rutgers University: http://www.rutgers.edu

Thanks to Rutgers University for this article.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/124649/Rutgers_researchers_unveil___D_structure_of__molecular_machine__that_initiates_DNA_transcription

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State Health Officials Confirm First Seasonal Flu Cases - Lutherville ...

Four Baltimore-area children are the first confirmed cases of seasonal influenza, according to state health officials.

The four children, who are not being identified, are said to be doing well though one was hospitalized, according to a statement released Friday by the state Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

The first confirmed case in 2011 was reported on December 30, health officials said.

"Flu is here earlier this year than last year, and we are seeing two different flu strains,? Frances Phillips, deputy secretary of Public Health Services, said in the statement. ?This really stresses the importance of getting the flu vaccine, and getting it as soon as possible. Fortunately, there is plenty of vaccine to go around.?

Influenza spreads from person to person through coughing or sneezing and direct contact with infected people and contaminated surfaces or objects. Symptoms usually begin one to four days after being exposed to the virus, and include fever, body aches, fatigue, coughing, and sore throat, according to state health officials, according to the release.

Yearly vaccinations are important because the strains of influenza that circulate change over time.

State health officials recommend the following people be vaccinated:?

  • Children 6 months to 18 years of age.
  • Persons 50 years of age and older.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Persons of any age with chronic medical conditions.
  • Persons undergoing therapy, or with a condition that may weaken their immune systems.
  • Persons caring for someone in these groups should also be vaccinated to avoid spreading the disease to them including healthcare workers, household contacts of individuals at risk for complications from the flu, and daycare or school workers.?

The heatlh department release offered the following tips to people who believe they have the flu.

  • Contact your healthcare provider for management of flu symptoms or treatment of any complications.
  • Get rest and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers and wash your hands often.
  • Avoid crowded places like shopping malls or public transportation.

State health officials also urge people to "avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals or other settings where people with other conditions may get your flu and be affected severely. Stay home from work or school whenever possible to avoid spreading the flu to your friends and coworkers."

Weekly updates on influenza activity in the state can be found on the state health department website.

The state has also set-up an internet-based influenza tracking survey to monitor influenza-like illnesses in people "who may not seek medical care," according to the release.

Residents can participate in the influenza survey by signing up on the department website.

Source: http://timonium.patch.com/articles/state-health-officials-confirm-first-seasonal-flu-cases

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