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London personal trainer revals: 7 ways to succeed your new year's ...

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London personal trainer revals: 7 ways to succeed your new year?s fitness goals

New years is the time of resolutions new diets and fitness goals, many of which lay in tatters by mid February. I want to share with you 7 tips to make sure that your new years fitness goals don?t join them and actually carry through to fitter and healthier you through the new year.

1) Put self acceptance first
It?s good to have goals and want to change things and to improve yourself, yet at the same time it?s important to be accepting of, and happy with who we are. Wanting to change yourself for the future doesn?t mean being unhappy with who you are now.
Another aspect of the self acceptance goals is reaching a point of being happy with and accepting who and what you are. An obvious and good example of this is if you are a female who has a naturally curvy shape with a wide pelvis a large bust then aiming to achieve the shape of a supermodel is only going to lead to pain and trouble, the same thing applies to men, a man who is shorter than average and doesn?t naturally have broad shoulders needs to accept that this is their natural bone structure and shape. You can still improve and change yourself but you have to do it within the confines of who you are and be able to feel good about that.

2) Ask yourself why
This is the most important question you can ask, and should ask multiple times going a little deeper into the truth each time you ask. Most people normally come up with a fairly superficial reason why they want to loose weight, change their body shape or improve their health. But better to really be brave and dig deep and spend as much time as you need really searching for the deepest answer you can as to what?s behind your desire for change. This is well worth the effort as doing this can be the difference between following through to the end and achieving your goals, or losing steam half way and fizzling out.

3) Set daily goals
Daily goals are amongst the most important of the goals, they are the single steps that move us along on our journey. The only way to achieve a short and then a long term goal is through a succession of daily goals linked together one after the other.
The daily goal is a simple ?what do I need to do today? to move me towards my short and long term goals. Keep completing your daily goals and you?ll keep moving towards your big goals.

4) Set a dream goal
What would you want to achieve if you had all the time and resources that you need and had no distractions from family, work or personal life. If the only thing that existed was your goal and you put all your energy and resources into that alone what would you want to get to? It?s important to dream big as this opens up your mind to the possibility of achieving big things and get?s you thinking about possibilities and opportunities rather than obstacles and limitations.

5) Tie in the goals to your higher values
We are all inspired and motivated by different things and all have different sets of values. By identifying what your highest values are, whether that be family, performance at work, fun or a particular relationship. Spend time to think about what your highest values are and think of ways in which improving your health and fitness can benefit these parts of your life that are most important to you. It really help you connect to your goal on a deeper level.

6) Know the reasons you can, and the ways that you will
These two simple questions form a simple and effective exercise to help you to get focussed and clear on what you want to do. It can be extremely powerful not only at the start of your programme and initial goal setting but these two question can be something that you can go back to multiple times, anytime you need to refocus or re-evaluate how your doing things this simple exercise can help. Just get a piece of paper and put those two questions as headers and just brain storm, don?t over think it and don?t worry about grammar spelling or handwriting, just write freely and let the answers flow out of you.

7) Have a support network
Last on the list but certainly not least, having a group of people on your side who know what you want to do and how important it is to you. You don?t need to do things on your own, by selecting a close friend or partner or family member to share your goals with and to help you on the way can make all the difference. It doesn?t matter how small your team is, what?s important is selecting the right people that will be supportive and encouraging and communicating to them exactly what you want to do, why you want to do it and how they can help and support you. Having people to support you on your way can make all the difference not only to the end result but also to the experience making the journey seem easier and more enjoyable.

Follow these simple tips in the New Year and be one of the people that sticks to their resolution and achieves their goals.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year and your journey towards a healthier you

Source: http://www.daxmoy.com/london-personal-trainer-revals-7-ways-to-succeed-your-new-years-fitness-goals/

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