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jahedaaos: Finding A Home Remedy For Eczema | health and ...

Approximately eight percent of the population suffer from eczema. The skin condition is caused by a misfiring of one's immune system. The technical term for the disorder is is atopic dermatitis. It is characterized by a relentless inflammation of the skin's top layer, which ultimately leads to crusting, scaling, flaking and other unsightly side effects. The continuous itching and burning associated with its presence, along with its unattractive appearance, leads many people to begin searching for a home remedy for eczema.

Additional scars frequently form because of the continuous scratching many sufferers find hard to control. Numerous individuals search for homeopathic cures or natural remedies to find relief from such symptoms when traditional treatments have not been helpful. In most cases it is not difficult to discover an effective natural cure for eczema. However, a person may find that it is necessary to try different remedies before the most suitable one is found.

Red clover is an option that should be considered by those in search of an herbal supplement for the aforementioned condition. Red clover is popular among patients suffering from particularly severe cases of eczema. This is because it can be placed on blistering skin directly. Many people discover that it only takes one application to notice the difference. The herb is also available in capsule form; however, topical use provides quicker relief of symptoms.

Black current oil and evening primrose oil are two substances containing high levels of essential fatty acids. Such acids play an essential role in one's general health, and are particularly advantageous to those afflicted with skin disorders. Both oil's can be found in capsule form, and the correct dosage will depend on the individual's weight. In most cases, however, up to 8000 milligrams on a daily basis is typically regarded as a safe dose for adults.

Green tea is another effective natural cure for this disorder. In addition to the numerous health benefits for which it is renowned, green tea is full of anti-inflammatory properties, making it an ideal option for those suffering from eczema. One should drink a minimum of three cups each day, and it makes no difference whether the tea is consumed cold or hot.

Gamma Linolenic Acid, more often called simply GLA, has received much attention lately from health care professionals. It is an omega-6 essential fatty acid, and can alleviate the symptoms of this troublesome skin disorder. Its effectiveness is due in part to one of its ingredients called dihomo-gammalinolenic, which bolsters the human immune system, and therefore reduces the length and severity of one's flareups.

It is also essential to keep in mind that simple activities such as maintaining clean skin and avoiding too much exposure to the sun are also vital to general skin health. Consuming a multivitamin that contains many different antioxidants can also lessen the intensity and frequency of a person's outbreaks.

More in-depth studies have recently been launched regarding natural remedies for this disorder. It might be necessary for sufferers to use various treatments prior to finding a beneficial home remedy for eczema. As with all supplements, one should discuss their use with a physician prior to adding such products to their diet.

Source: http://healthandfitnessupdates.blogspot.com/2012/12/finding-home-remedy-for-eczema.html

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Source: http://jahedaaos.blogspot.com/2012/12/finding-home-remedy-for-eczema-health.html

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