বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

3 Simple List Building Tips for Your Online Business

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Every Internet marketer knows that having an e-mail list is vital and that is why you need to stop playing around and start building if you really want to have your own online business. In this article we will look at a few methods for increasing our opt-in levels.

One of the easiest ways to increase your sign up rate would be to make it easier for your prospects to sign up. As simple as that may sound, it really is effective when you cut down on unnecessary baggage from your sign up form. Newbie Internet marketers often make the mistake of thinking that the more information they can get from their subscribers in the beginning, the better able they will be to sell to them. That?s not really what happens. To put a person on your opt-in list the only thing you truly need is an e-mail address; in the beginning you don?t even need a name! However, a smart marketer will always ask for at least a first name alongside the e-mail address because personalizing e-mails is always a nicer touch. That?s just about it. Getting the rest of the information that you want can be done after the person has opted in to your list. After all, once someone has subscribed to your list you will have all the time in the world to gather more information about them. It is a good idea to provide your subscribers with a link to your privacy policy when they sign up so that they won?t have any questions later. You can see that phone numbers, postal addresses and physical information is not really necessary unless you are going to send items out to the people who sign up for your list. Most of the time the only thing you will send out will be a link to something they can download or the latest issue of your newsletter so basic contact information is all you really need. When you create a squeeze page to collect subscriber information and to grow you email list, you have to make sure that this page is converting well. That?s correct: you need to think about all of the things that could potentially make it easier for a person to subscribe to your list. A good way to do this is to add a few testimonials to your squeeze page. The testimonials help sweeten the deal for people who are on the fence about subscribing to your list. Do not take this lightly because what matters most is the effectiveness with which your page converts visitors to subscribers. You might even go a little bit further and add audio testimonial files to your page to help build your credibility and trustworthiness even further. If you pay attention to the other squeeze pages out there you will see that very few of them seem to have put a lot of effort into their works. This leaves you room and the potential to get many more subscribers than your competitors. To truly make the most out of your squeeze page you need to think outside of the box. The goal is to find as many ways as possible to make your subscribers trust you and feel comfortable sharing their information. Write down everything that can raise your conversion rate (things like testimonials and easy to find opt in boxes).

Get a leg up on the rest in your niche by including an opt-in form on all of your social media profiles. These sites provide marketers with lots of value and they should be used as a method of promoting your list. For example, putting a subscription form on your Facebook page is incredibly easy. There are lots of other ways you can use social media to build your list as well. You can create profiles on other popular social networking sites and see if you can have your sign up form integrated with them as well.

If you know what you are doing it won?t take very much at all to raise the number of opt-ins for your list. Apply the above tips to get the best results.

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Source: http://articleisle.com/business/3-simple-list-building-tips-for-your-online-business.html

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