শনিবার, ২ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Make time your ally ? Business Management Daily: Free Reports ...

Here are some ways to use time more wisely:

  1. Stop trying to do everything. That?s not your job. Your job as a leader is to continuously achieve goals through the efforts of your team. Delegate and share the load.
  2. Stay on message. Provide a strong and guiding voice through speeches, memos, tweets, emails and hallway or elevator interactions.
  3. Don?t let routine matters usurp important ones. Group routine matters into blocks of time and, if possible, delegate them to your assistant or a subject-area specialist.

? Adapted from Time Mastery, John K. Clemens and Scott Dalrymple, Amacom.

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Source: http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com/34601/make-time-your-ally

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