বুধবার, ৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

He can be awful - Relationships, Dating, & Marriage

Heavy letter for a Friday. And yes, I?ll stay in touch with the letter writer.

Q: I have been married for more than 20 years. My husband had some affairs (with different women) three years ago. I know that he is still talking to these women, as he makes comments about what they are doing and it seems pretty current information. I have not been able to gain back the trust and love that I once had. We have two children who are under 18.

My husband constantly calls me fat [and other inappropriate things] when our younger child is nearby. (I don?t think that our child sees it though.) He pinches me until I tell him to stop because it hurts. He jokes, ?I haven?t even begun to hurt you.? He flirts with friends and neighbors until we?re all uncomfortable. When we tell him to stop, he says something like, ?Oh, you can?t take a joke.?

He now accuses me (at least once a week) of having an affair with someone. I honestly will say I have never had an affair with anyone. If I refuse sex with, he gets very mad takes all the blankets.

He also threatens to divorce me and leave me with nothing. I used to kiss him after these threats, but now I?m at the point where I tell him to go ahead and leave me. I am at the end of my rope. We have tried counseling, both individual and marriage, and it hasn?t worked because he has quit going after a few sessions.

? So Now What?, North Carolina

A: This is an abusive relationship, SNW. And I?m going to reveal to the readers (after much thought) that you emailed me several years ago about similar issues. It was a letter that we just didn?t get to ? and it was much less severe than this version (it was about the affairs, not the abuse) ? but these problems have plagued your marriage for a long time. You?ve been pinched, harassed, questioned, and shamed, sometimes in front of your children. You need a way out. (And for the record, kids see and perceive more than you think they do. I?m sure that your younger child is aware of what?s happening.)

You need to check in with a local domestic violence organization. North Carolina has them. (Click here if you?re at a safe computer.) Pinching might not seem like real abuse, but it is. So are threats and intimidation. You must meet with a professional who can help you navigate this process. Because it will be process. If you can continue individual therapy, please do.

It?s also a good time to reach out to your community. Don?t be afraid to call friends and family. You mention that your neighbors have shared your discomfort over the years. Are any of these people real friends? Can you spend more time with them, just to feel less isolated?

You can?t go through this alone, and you certainly can?t put it off any longer. You might think I?m misusing the word ?abuse,? but find a safe computer and do some reading. You might be surprised by the definition.

Readers? Is this abuse? What should the letter writer do? Are the affairs relevant? Talk.

? Meredith

Check out the original source here.

Source: http://relationships.wark.biz/he-can-be-awful/

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