মঙ্গলবার, ১৭ জুলাই, ২০১২

Getting the most from Business Network SW Events

Each event has a number of components ? all there to give you maximum opportunities to enhance your business and build relationships

Business Seminar

Coffee served from 10.00am and seminar starts at 10.30am finishes at 11.45am
An ideal opportunity to meet people over coffee and during the seminar
The seminars are on a whole range of subjects that will be useful to your business and to the?businesses of your clients. An opportunity to pick up new information; share knowledge and?expertise; think about your business.

Typical Business Network SW seminar

The Networking lunch

From 11.45am until 12.30pm there is an informal free range networking session, there is a choice?of wine, fruit juice or water. The Business Network SW hosts are there to assist in getting introductions and ensuring the most benefit is gained from the event.??Feel free to?view this time lapse video of the pre lunch informal networking.?- courtesy of Bitpod Ltd

Every person attending has a badge with their name, the business/organisation name and also a number for the table where they will sit for lunch. Those highlighted in green are?first time visitors to Business Network SW events.

Informal networking over drinks

Every person attending is given a copy of the table seating plan ? this is in Company Alphabetical order and shows
the decision makers attending and which table they will be seated for the lunch along with offers and?opportunities contributed by members.

12.30 lunch is called and at everyone then sits at the table ?who?s number is on their badge. There are table hosts at each table who will guide you through the next?part of the lunch.
During the lunch each decision maker at your table will have 3 minutes to explain to the others the?benefits that you and your organisation can offer; the type of business that you are looking for and?also how other businesses can help you. Be memorable so that other people will be able to?remember and refer. ?Lunch will be served during the presentations ? bread roll, followed by main course (special dietary requirements can be catered for), dessert and coffee. ?Wine is available during lunch.


? Introduce yourself an your company/organisation
? Outline what you do ? the benefits that you bring to your customers/clients
? What?s new in your world? What?s novel? How will people remember you?
? What type of customers/clients are you looking to build relationships with?
? How could the people around the table help you or your customers/contacts? What are you?looking to purchase, what challenges do you have (also think about this from the perspective?of your clients)
? Can you refer the people around the table to others that you know?

?You can everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want? -?Zig Ziglar?

There will opportunity to ask further questions when everyone has completed their 3 minutes.
1.30 to 1.40 your opportunity to go and talk to someone else in the room (the seating plan will help?you locate them), continue your conversation or start a new one with someone else on your table.
1.40 Speaker ? An informative, enlightening and entertaining 10 minute talk given by a Business?Network SW member.

Latest technology being shown during a 10 minute speaker slot!

2.00pm Lunch finishes ? you can still continue to network with the others in the room, maybe set up a?follow up meeting, gather information from the literature table. A great time to make those?appointments and even continue your discussions in the venue?s facilities.

Some Top Tips

? Ensure that your company is only represented at the events by senior decision-makers;?people who hold the authority to both buy and sell; people who can effectively promote?your company and what it does; people who know the products and services that need
sourcing or re-sourcing that will improve your business.
? Ensure you come with Optitude ? an attitude to look for opportunities for yourself and for?others. Ask yourself, who is there in the room who is in a position to help my company or?perhaps my clients?
? Bring plenty of business cards ? you never know who might ask for one or even 2 ? so?that they can pass it on!
? Prepare your three minute presentation, focusing on the benefits or solutions your?company provides.
? Be there as soon as you can ? 10am for the seminar or 11.45am for pre-lunch drinks.
Seek out people you don?t know. Listen to them and be interested. See how they can?help your company and how you can help their business. Have a polite disengaging line if?in a group, or introduce an individual to someone who you feel may be of relevance, to
enable you to move on.
? Smile genuinely. Shake hands with everybody. Remember their first names ? they have?badges that will help you!
? Listen intently during each 3 minute presentation. Ask yourself during it:

? Can this person help my company?
? Can I help this company?
? Do I know anybody who could use this company?
? During the event refer to the full list of attendees and see if there is anybody else you wish?to meet on other tables.

? Once back at the office, get out and review the business cards from around the table, and?ask yourself:

? Who shall I write to and say how good it was to meet them?
? Who shall I ring and make an appointment to see?
? Who am I going to tell in my organisation about somebody I met today that could help him?or her?
? Who else on my contact list could benefit from an introduction to one of the people I met today?
? Always keep in mind the members of Business Network SW, & always be on the lookout?for any way in which you can pass on leads.

More advice from the from the experts ? updated regularly to assist you in getting more from your networking
?The sage never tries to store things up. The more he does for others, the more he has. The more?he gives to others, the greater his abundance.??Lao Tzu

  • Do you want to?generate opportunities?that will enhance your business?
  • Do you want to build?mutually beneficial relationships?with other decision makers?
  • Do you want your networking to relaxed and comfortable?
  • How about business seminars that can positively impact your business?
  • Would a huge variety of contacts be useful to your business?
  • Do you want the opportunity to promote your business and expertise?
  • Do you want a team of advocates and ambassadors for your business?
  • What about?generating an ROI on your networking?

Business Network SW?offers monthly, lunch time, structured and business focused networking events in?Exeter, Bristol and Taunton.


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Source: http://business-networksw.org/2012/07/16/getting-the-most-from-business-network-sw-events/

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