বৃহস্পতিবার, ২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২

The Easiest Way to Protect Eyes While Working on Computer ...

Eyes are one of our most fragile senses and that is why it is vital to learn how to protect them. Computer and television are integral part our lives and the hours we spend in front of computer increases yearly. Many can recall that after spending long day in front of computer, we feel worn-out and occasionally experience strain in our eyes, neck .

Looking at the computer screen puts extra pressure to our eyes. Working in front of computer requires that we stare to the monitor for the extended time period with little eye movement. The distance and the angle of computer don?t change and we keep looking at the monitor too long. It creates so called near point stress to eyes and is one of the major reasons behind getting blurred vision when spending a lot of time in front of computer. What?s the best plan to avoid deteriorating vision, but if one has to work long hours in front of computer?

To give your eyes break and to avoid near point stress to eyes, do short break each hour. Stand up from your chair and walk around. But, just taking breaks isn?t really enough to keep your vision healthy. Every 15 to 20 minutes attempt to look away from the screen for a minute. Glance at the things that are far away and then look at objects close by. Repeat it numerous times.

This easy action will let eyes to move and change focal point and help to avoid stress to eyes. Straining is the number 1 cause of many eye related conditions, like farsightedness or shortsightedness.

Yet one more important thing to realise for those who require to improve eye vision is to do regular eye exercises. This will help to strengthen eye muscles and avoid need of wearing glasses. In fact , there is far more one can do to improve vision with just natural methods. It is well described on Vision Without Glasses study and includes techniques how to recognise when eyes are under stress and the best way to to be able to maintain relaxed vision habits.

Next, learn more about Vision Without Glasses programme that helped thousands folks to improve eye vision without need of wearing glasses or doing eye surgery. Also, discover which vision supplements are useful to bolster your eyes and improve vision.

Source: http://datingadvicesingles.com/love/?p=44356

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