শুক্রবার, ৩১ আগস্ট, ২০১২

Gingrich: We need 'real leadership' in White House

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista walk onto the stage to speak to delegates during the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista walk onto the stage to speak to delegates during the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista speak to delegates during the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

(AP) ? Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says it's time to put "real leadership" back in the White House this November.

Gingrich stood by his wife, Callista, when he told delegates Thursday night that it is "striking" how President Barack Obama took the nation down a path that, he says, weakened America's confidence in itself and Americans' hope for a better future.

He compared Obama to former President Jimmy Carter and said both "produced little effective legislation."

Gingrich often sparred with Romney during the Republican primary, particularly when a "super" political committee supporting Romney hammered Gingrich with millions of dollars in television ads.

Gingrich said earlier this year that he's supporting Romney because he's the best choice to defeat Obama.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-08-30-Gingrich/id-0b631375d0754be296603a544301fe42

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Genesys research finds big business still uneasy with Customer ...

Aug 30, 2012 ? Research conducted by Genesys, an expert in customer experience solutions, found that many consumer-facing Fortune 500 companies shy away from listing social media as a means for customers to contact them. More than half (55 percent) of consumer-facing Fortune 500 businesses do not provide their Twitter handles on the ?Contact Us? page of their websites. Additionally, despite the fact that Facebook has 900 million users across the world; half of these businesses (51 percent) do not provide a link to their Facebook profile on the ?Contact Us? page.

The research also uncovered that corporations suffer from e-mail aversion, with nine out of ten failing to list an e-mail address on their contact page. Instead, 83 percent of companies include a contact form, often off-putting to consumers and seen as a ?black-hole.?

Click here to join the UK Contact Centre Forum ? the no.1 LinkedIn group for UK customer management professionals
  • More than half of consumer-facing Fortune 500 Corporations suffer from social shyness with 55 percent of consumer facing corporations failing to list a Twitter handle on their ?Contact Us? page, and 51 percent failing to list a Facebook page.
  • 27 percent of consumer-facing Fortune 500 corporations do not list social media channels on their website homepage.
  • 89 percent of those same companies do not list an e-mail address on their site.
  • 13 percent of companies do not list a phone number on their ?Contact Us? page.

The findings are based on Genesys analysis of consumer-facing Fortune 500 companies? websites. Consumer-facing company websites were defined as those which a consumer would visit to obtain answers or assistance regarding a product or service.

?These findings are an indication that social media is still a very new phenomenon,? explained Tom Eggemeier, head of Global Sales at Genesys. ?Many large consumer-facing companies are still struggling and not confident in their ability to deal with customer queries and complaints via social media. Consumer-facing companies need to resolve this disconnect by developing a customer service strategy that understands and integrates social media channels across every customer touch point.?

Category:?Market Research

Added By: Sam Collins on 30th Aug 2012 - 12:22
Number of Views: 45

Source: http://www.callcentreclinic.com/news/market-research/genesys-research-find-big-business-still-uneasy-with-customer-service-conversation-over-social-media-47131.htm

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Infrastructure - Mexico - Infrastructure investment to triple under Enrique Pe?a Nieto - governor

By Rebecca Conan?/?Business News Americas


0 votes

Infrastructure investment under Mexico's president elect Enrique Pe?a Nieto will be far larger than during the current administration, said Chihuahua state governor and Conago president C?sar Duarte during a press conference.

"Under Enrique Pe?a Nieto we could see an infrastructure investment up to three or four times larger than what we've seen in recent years," said Duarte during the central regional meeting of the national conference of state governors, Conago.

Governors from the central region of Mexico, including Mexico State, met to outline infrastructure projects for the next budget and to discuss strategic projects for the 2013-18 national infrastructure plan.

The resources for tripling the current infrastructure budget are available and would primarily come from private investment through public-private partnership (PPP) schemes, according to Duarte.

A prime example of the importance of PPPs is the construction of the 25bn-peso (US$1.88bn) Durango-Mazatl?n highway, built "without a single peso of the national budget" and using private investment from the concessionaires, said Conago infrastructure president and Durango state governor Jorge Herrera.

While the national PPP law was approved in January this year, all of the governors present at the meeting stressed the importance of passing enabling regulations that remain outstanding.

Mexico State governor Eruviel ?vila suggested that a national meeting be held to discuss the benefits and exchange experiences of PPP schemes with the aim of introducing state level PPP laws. Mexico State was "the pioneer in the subject and the first state to introduce a PPP law," according to Avila.

Key goals for the next administration include "facilitating access to financing from the national infrastructure fund, Fonadin," said Herrera.

Some 300bn pesos were available through a mixture of Fonadin resources and private investment "but unfortunately these funds were difficult to access," said Duarte.

Other key challenges for the sector include the introduction of multi-annual budgets to reduce uncertainty for long-term projects, a re-allocation of municipal government resources to increase their current 4% share of the national budget and a law to "ensure that projects underway continue despite changes in government," according to Herrera.

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Source: http://www.bnamericas.com/news/infrastructure/infrastructure-investment-to-triple-under-enrique-pena-nieto-governor1

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩০ আগস্ট, ২০১২

Show on teen weddings a conversation starter | Metro

TORONTO ? After allowing viewers to gape at the excesses of the rich bride, support the frugality of the poor bride, and cheer the weight loss of the bulging bride, reality TV is dishing up a new twist to televised nuptials ? brace yourself for the teen bride.

Slice is currently casting in Canada for ?My Teenage Wedding,? a series that has raised eyebrows among some parents who worry the show may be cashing in on the vulnerabilities of young love and could negatively impact youth audiences.

But those behind the series say the show is more of a social documentary that could even serve as a conversation starter for parents worried about their teens? relationships.

Nonetheless, the series, which will air next winter, concerns 38-year-old mother Gabrielle Domingues, who saw a notice about the show?s casting call.

?I just think it?s borderline inappropriate,? she said of youth-focused reality show. ?It?s one thing to show adults in that light?and another to show minors exposing their mistakes and their vulnerabilities at such a raw and impressionable age, and by association making an impression and influencing youth who are watching.?

The proliferation of youth-focused reality shows makes the self-described pop culture junkie from Toronto wonder how much media attention her 10-year-old will want as he grows up, particularly since he already enjoys making YouTube videos with his family.

?Because they see themselves reflected back on the screen, a lot of kids now do think ?I could do that, I could be on that show,?? she said. ?As a parent, I can teach my children what?s appropriate and what?s not?You need to have a dialogue.?

Those behind ?My Teenage Wedding? say the show is a way to start that conversation if a parent is concerned about their child?s relationships or the impact reality shows might have.

?It actually gives them a vehicle and a reason to bring it up,? said Christine Shipton, vice president of original content at Shaw Media ? Slice?s parent company ? who notes she hasn?t heard any parental concerns from the airing of four pilot episodes in the spring.

?If this is a point of view that you?re concerned is affecting your kids in a negative way, you need to talk to them about it.?

Response to the show?s casting call has been ?robust? so far, said Shipton. Applicants have included teens from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds and sexualities.

The youngest applicant so far has been 17, and producers expect most of those looking to be on the show to be between 17 and 19.

?We?re certainly not aggressively going out and saying ?Ooh let?s find the 15-year-old.? There?s no sense of salaciousness like that,? said Shipton.

The show is part of a strategy at Slice to broaden the channel?s audience and is meant to go beyond a typical wedding planning series.

?It?s really a story about when a teen world meets an adult world,? said Shipton. ?It?s as much about the mother-daughter relationship, relations with siblings, relations with friends, and then of course the pay off ? the wedding ? and how we as an audience feel at the end about this couple.?

The show, being made by Cineflix Productions, will have 14 half-hour episodes, and will follow a variety of young couples as they navigate their way to the altar.

For Mara Shapiro, the show and others like it are an opportunity to communicate with her teenagers.

?If you want to connect with your kids, talk about things they?re interested in,? said the co-founder of Momfaze.com, a website that offers advice for parents with teens.

?If it happens to be Teen Wedding, then watch with them and ask them ?What do you think about that? Would you want to be married at that age? What do you think about love?? To me those would be great opportunities to talk to your kids.?

While the Toronto mother of three teenagers doesn?t think much of the latest youth-focused reality shows herself, Shapiro notes she?d be more concerned if she felt teens were making certain life choices just so they could get on TV.

Parenting adviser and author Judy Arnall points out that adults shouldn?t discount the ability of teenagers to make good decisions on their own.

?Teens are very smart, they?re very savvy. They know a lot more than we give them credit for,? said Arnall.

?All through time kids have watched and listened to inappropriate stuff and that?s a very small part of a teenager?s life. If it?s buffered by good relationships with parents? then they don?t have to worry.?

University of British Columbia professor Daniel Keyes, who has conducted research on reality TV, adds that while it?s difficult to say just what message teen audiences take away from such shows, it could be one that differs from what producers aimed for.

?Viewers might be making different meanings out of it. And it may be a positive thing,? he said. ?Sit down with your children and watch really bad TV tonight ? you?re at least going to be talking about what values you have.?

Source: http://metronews.ca/scene/352752/show-on-teen-weddings-a-conversation-starter/

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Who Else Wants The Best Baby Portraits In Chicago?

There are numerous types of portraits that you love to have but one portrait just outclasses every other and that portrait is about your baby. Whether he is newborn or a few months old, you love to have their portraits in your home as they are your most cherished possessions. So, there are various photographers and photo studios that will cater to your needs.

Having a new born baby in your hands is the best feeling that no one can describe. In order to capture this phase of your baby?s life in a portrait, you can always look out for the person who is best in the business. They understand your fears of giving your new born to someone else even for few hours. You can find various studios for baby portraits in Chicago and be assured that your child is in safe hands. Some photographers are themselves mothers who have enormous experience of handling new born. During the baby session, the parents are even allowed to come to the location and relax or take a nap till your baby poses for some beautiful images. If you want good portraits of your newborn, it will be great if you get him/her clicked within two weeks of their birth as they are fresh and totally into their new born phase.

These studios aren't only clicking new born but will even take care of your children. Some kids like to exaggerate their emotions in front of the camera, some are shy and others try to show off their smiles. But don?t worry; the images that you will get won?t be forced one but natural, clicking some beautiful moments of your child.

The location plays an important part while clicking images of your baby. If the baby is newborn, then the location probably would be your home or the studio. But if the baby is a bit old, you can get him/her clicked anywhere or can take advice from the Chicago baby photographer. If the baby session will be at your home, the photographer will come before them in order to arrange your furniture and decorations and don?t worry their team will help in putting everything back. For the newborns, the best images would be sofa in the background or a pillow. And before you set a date for your child for the baby session, make sure the child gets a proper sleep the night before in order to have happy smiles the next day.

The kind of dresses your child wears is also an important part in your baby?s portrait. Generally for kids, it is good if you carry bold colors & patterns, denim and sweaters to give beautiful dimension to the images. Just carry most of what your baby has.

About the Author

Looking for a best portraits for your baby then David Botham finds the various stuidios in Chicago to get a nice baby session. For more you want to know about baby photographers Chicago visit http://www.idealmomentphotography.com

Article Directory Source: http://www.articlerich.com/profile/David-Botham/302723

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Source: http://www.articlerich.com/Article/Who-Else-Wants-The-Best-Baby-Portraits-In-Chicago-/2326311

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Introducing a Brand: Have You Informed Your Internal Audience?

Alpine pB - Informing Your Audience - SLV - Aug 2012

Inform Your Internal Audience First

Public relations can be effective in making or breaking a business. When a company embarks on a new concept or new way of doing business, they may not consider how their internal audiences will react.

If you share news about your company with the world before you have alerted your internal audiences, you may end up with a mess on your hands. ?It is important to identify your key stakeholders and make sure that they learn of your news directly and in advance. ?This might include board members, donors, sponsors, industry associates, employees, brand partners or civic leaders, depending on what business you are involved in.

Informing your internal audience means developing messages tailored to each group and conveying those messages in the way these groups like to communicate. It may mean including them as part of the branding process/thinking, or meeting with key industry leaders to get ?buy-in? first.

It is also a good idea to include your public relations firm at the outset and planning of this new brand or concept. Not only can they help with marketing and PR strategy, they can serve as sounding boards and come up with the ?worst-case? scenarios in order to anticipate a potential crisis.

In the article, ?The changing agency landscape: How to adapt and stay relevant,? in the July issue of?Public Relations Tactics, Indra Gardiner, a PR colleague, shared five tips to keep in mind when introducing a brand. I have summarized them below:

1. Treat Yourself Like a Brand Partner

When you are launching your company it is easy to cut corners, but take the time to hold planning and strategy meetings with the appropriate people, develop a timeline and stick to it.

2. You Only Have One Chance for a First Impression

How many times did you hear that from your mom? ?Well, it is true in business as well. ?Make sure you have addressed every detail and that you are really ready. ?Has anyone on the team changed their address or Twitter bio or LinkedIn. ?Make sure before you go out with this new concept and brand, that the different parties within your organization know the message. ?Also make sure those outside your organization understand what you are doing and why you are doing it.

3. Timing is Everything

Ask all the pertinent questions and double check the answers. ?Make sure that everyone in the company has clear expectations of the deliverables and timing.

4. Utilize Everyone

Make use of all the people in your group. ?The most thorough planning will inevitably lead to last minute scrambling, tweaks and changes. ?Be prepared to have everyone on high alert but maintain a sense of humor. ?The camaraderie that comes with this type of experience is invaluable.

5. The Message

Make sure everyone, including you, has the right message and understands what that message is. ?What you don?t need is one person saying one thing and another person saying something else. ?Everyone needs to be reading from the same book and on the same page.

What other tips do you have in introducing a brand and informing internal audiences? What are some good ways to get clients to discuss possible landmines, major changes in policy decisions or difficult situations?

Source: http://alpinepr.com/2012/08/tell-your-internal-audience-first/

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বুধবার, ২৯ আগস্ট, ২০১২

It's That Time Again: Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards

Each year, Streaming Media opens up the polls for users, consumers, readers, and customers in the online video products and services industry to cast their vote for the best company or solution in this ever emerging landscape. For the second year in a row, Preview Networks has been nominated in the Online Video Platform category. While this is a great honour,? we?re not satisfied. The only way the industry can push itself forward and we can continue to offer innovative products and services to meet the growing needs and demand is by getting our customers, end users, and consumers involved.

So in our effort to spread the word, and and get people involved, we?ve listed the categories below complete with instructions on how to nominate a company (Deadline this Friday, August 31st).

Simply click this link, read about the relevant categories, and if any company, product, or service comes to mind, make your nomination at the bottom of the page. Then be sure to register and vote prior to September 21st! It?s an exciting time to be in the online video industry and with your help we can push it forward.

  • Best Streaming Innovation 2012
  • Best Online Video Content Company
  • Best Online Video Technology Company
  • Best App for Watching Video
  • Cloud Encoding/Transcoding Service
  • CDN Solution (Non-Telco)
  • CDN Solution (Telco)
  • Desktop Video Editing Software
  • DRM/Access Control Solution
  • Encoding Software (Desktop)
  • Encoding Software (Enterprise Class)
  • Field Encoder
  • Front-End Optimization (FEO) Solution
  • Hardware Encoder (On Demand)
  • Hardware Encoder (Live)
  • Language Services for Video
  • Live Video Streaming Service
  • Mobile Video Creation App
  • MSO OTT Solution
  • Multi-Screen/OTT Solution for Content Publishers
  • Online Video Platform
  • Portable Live Streaming Appliance
  • Reporting and Analytics Solution
  • Search and Discovery Platform
  • Server Hardware/Software
  • Transparent Video Caching Solution
  • Video Advertising Management Platform
  • Video Advertising Network
  • Webcasting/Presentation Solution

Nominate a product, service, or company now!

About Streaming Media

Streaming Media, an Information Today Inc. company, is a diversified news media company serving and educating the streaming media industry and community. Originally founded in 1998, the company was sold by Penton Media to Information Today Inc. in December of 2002. Our business consists of three core areas: StreamingMedia.com, exhibitions and conferences, and research and publications. Lead by a team of recognized industry experts, Streaming Media is dedicated to providing industry professionals and corporations utilizing digital media technology with global real-time news, resources and services through editorial, discussion lists, feature articles, and much more.

About Preview Networks

Preview Networks is a content marketing platform for brands and content aggregation and syndication platform for publishers. We provide the tools for brands to centrally distribute and manage marketing and PR content across media destinations, devices, and commerce platforms; allowing media partners to automate content acquisition delivering audience and advertising revenue growth.

Source: http://previewnetworks.com/blog/time-streaming-media-readers-choice-awards/

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Kindergarten readiness: Are shy kids at an academic disadvantage?

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) ? Parents of young children hope for a successful kindergarten experience that will set their youngsters on the right path of their educational journey. Some worry about their kids not adapting to the school environment, particularly when the children are talkative and overactive. Yet, a new study by the University of Miami (UM) shows that overly shy preschool children are at greater academic risk than their chatty and boisterous peers.

The study is one of the first to follow the social and academic progress of children throughout the preschool year. The report shows that children displaying shy and withdrawn behavior early in the preschool year started out with the lowest academic skills and showed the slowest gains in academic learning skills across the year. The findings are published online, in advance of print, by the Journal of School Psychology.

"Everybody wants their children to be ready for kindergarten, to know their ABCs and to be able to count, but they sometimes don't understand that having social-emotional readiness is equally important," says Rebecca J. Bulotsky-Shearer, assistant professor of psychology at UM College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and principal investigator of the study.

Behavioral problems in the classroom arise when there is a gap between the child's developmental skills and the expectations of the school environment, according to the study. The findings suggest that children who are shy in the classroom have trouble engaging and learning.

"Preschool children who are very introverted tend to 'disappear within the classroom,'" says Elizabeth R. Bell, doctoral candidate in developmental psychology, at UM and co-author of the study. "It appears that while these children are not causing problems in the school, they are also not engaging in classroom activities and interactions, where almost all learning occurs during this age."

The results also raise the possibility that children who are loud and disruptive may be more likely to get the teacher's attention and benefit from specific educational strategies. "There are many classroom-based interventions for children that are disruptive and acting out in the classroom," says Bulotsky-Shearer. "I think the children who show an extreme amount of shyness and are withdrawn are most at risk of getting missed."

The researcher hopes the new findings encourage the development of appropriate classroom interventions tailored to the needs of different children, as well as appropriate training and professional development for teachers, to help them identify children who need help in specific areas. "This is especially important within early childhood programs such as Head Start, serving a diverse population of low-income children and families," says Bulotsky-Shearer.

The study analyzes information from 4, 417 prekindergarten children in the Head Start Program, ages 3 to 5, from a diverse population, living in a large urban district of the northeast. Six profile types were used to describe the preschoolers: 1.Well adjusted; 2. Adjusted with mild disengagement; 3.Moderately socially and academically disengaged; 4. Disruptive with peers; 5.Extremely socially and academically disruptive; 6.Extremely socially and academically disengaged.

The teachers assessed the emotional and behavioral characteristics, as well as the academic progress of each child, at three points in time during the preschool year. The findings show that older kids and girls tended to be better adjusted to the class, exhibited less behavioral problems, and had higher levels of social literacy, language and math skills.

The study is titled "Latent Profiles of Preschool Behavior within Learning, Peer, and Teacher Contexts: Identifying Subgroups of Children at Academic Risks across the Preschool Year." Ximena Dominguez, research social scientist, at SRI International is also a co-author of the study.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Miami, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Rebecca J. Bulotsky-Shearer, Elizabeth R. Bell, Ximena Dom?nguez. Latent profiles of problem behavior within learning, peer, and teacher contexts: Identifying subgroups of children at academic risk across the preschool year. Journal of School Psychology, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.jsp.2012.08.001

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/living_well/~3/J20amBiX2Sc/120828143321.htm

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৮ আগস্ট, ২০১২

People: Week of August 27, 2012 ? North Bay Business Journal ...

Monday, August 27, 2012, 5:00 am

Business Journal Staff Report

Banking and Finance

Bank of America Merrill Lynch announced the following staff additions:

Mark Mokelke joined the office in Santa Rosa as a senior client manager and senior vice president.? A graduate of the University of San Francisco, Mr. Mokelke has been with Bank of America Merrill Lynch for the past 13 years, working in various industry groups, primarily focusing on large corporate industrial and real estate companies.??

Julie Robinson also joined the office in Santa Rosa as a treasury management solutions officer.? Ms. Robinson brings 29 years of experience in the banking industry including positions in sales, corporate training, and service and operations.? She spent 24 years with Wells Fargo with a focus in treasury for 16 years.? She joined Bank of America Merrill Lynch in 2008 and covers the middle market for the greater Bay Area.

Siobhan Griffin is a sales support associate in Santa Rosa and was recently promoted to assistant vice president.? Ms. Griffin has over 10 years of experience in the financial services industry including commercial loans, commercial banking, home loans, and residential real estate sales.

Nai Saephanh joined the Santa Rosa office as a credit support associate. Ms. Saephanh has been with Bank of America Merrill Lynch for over 13 years. Her previous experience includes cash vault operations, SBA loan administration and special assets portfolio management.

Also in Santa Rosa, Virginia Graves is a treasury management solutions analyst. She supports middle market clients located in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Her treasury solutions expertise is primarily focused in professional service firms, clean energy companies and wineries. Her experience includes analyst positions within global corporate treasury sales and commercial card product management teams with the bank in Chicago.

Noel McArdell is based in Santa Rosa as a client manager covering Marin and Sonoma counties. She has been as associate the bank for five years, working with both business banking and middle market clients.? She has more than 14 years banking experience.

Finally, Brian Kilkenny joined the Santa Rosa office as a vice president and business development officer for Sonoma, Napa and Marin counties.? He has been involved in commercial real estate and finance for the last nine years.

Health Care

Katie Hansen

Katie Hansen is now the operations manager at Massage Envy Spa in Sonoma. She began her Massage Envy career at the Flagstaff, Ariz. location . Katie Hansen earned her Bachelor of Science degrees for business administration in management and marketing as a full-time student while working full-time.


Fireman?s Fund Insurance Company annonced that Antonio Derossi is joining the company as the chief operations officer. Mr. Derossi will be responsible for the full scope of operations at Fireman?s Fund and will be based in Novato at the corporate headquarters. He most recently served as the COO of Allianz Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEEMA) where he was responsible for IT, operations, claims, and strategic direction and management of project portfolios and budgets. Mr. Derossi joined Allianz in 2008 as the senior vice president of the Global Life Unit at Allianz SE and prior to that held consulting roles with Andersen Consulting and McKinsey & Co.

EPIC (Edgewood Partners Insurance Center) announced the addition of Joe Costamagna as a principal in its Petaluma office. Mr. Costamagna brings 10 years of experience in insurance and risk management, working with a wide range of businesses and specializing in the construction industry. He will work closely with North Bay property and casualty practice. His responsibilities will include acquiring new clients, growing existing accounts and managing the insurance and risk management programs of current clients.Prior to joining EPIC, Mr. Costamagna spent more than three years as an account executive with Woodruff-Sawyer & Co. Before joining Woodruff-Sawyer, he was a vice president and commercial lines producer for Willis HRH for six years.


Ben Salazar

Edmeades Winery named Ben Salazar winemaker. Mr. Salazar brings more than 13 years of experience to the Anderson Valley brand.? He came to wine by way of restaurants, working for Rutherford Grill outposts in California and Colorado for six years. Mr. Salazar made the transition with a harvest position at Cardinale in Oakville. Since then he has worked at Isabel Estates Winery in Marlborough, New Zealand, and at Four Vines Winery in Paso Robles. Salazar joined Jackson Family Wines in 2008 as a viticultural enologist on the North Coast. He was soon promoted to enologist and assistant winemaker at the company?s Monterey County winery.

Related posts:

  1. People: Week of Jan. 30, 2012
  2. People news: Week of Jan. 2, 2012
  3. People: Week of Feb. 20, 2012
  4. People: Week of June 18, 2012
  5. People: Week of June 25, 2012

Copyright ? 1988?2012 North Bay Business Journal
View the policy for linking to website content.

Source: http://www.northbaybusinessjournal.com/59926/people-week-of-august-27-2012/

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ARMA Montreal | September's Happy Hour ? Business Networking

?ARMA Montreal invits all those interested in document management to a?Happy Hour -?Business Networking, Thursday, September 13th starting at 5:00pm at Philips Lounge.??

For more information and to confirm your attendance (no later than Friday, September 6th), click?here!

Source: http://www.armamontreal.org/?p=3025

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সোমবার, ২৭ আগস্ট, ২০১২

Romney assails Obama campaign on Akin, abortion - FOX19.com ...

AP Special Correspondent

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - His Republican National Convention curtailed by a threatened hurricane, Mitt Romney conceded Sunday that fresh controversy over rape and abortion is harming his party and he accused Democrats of trying to exploit it for political gain.

"It really is sad, isn't it, with all the issues that America faces, for the Obama campaign to continue to stoop to such a low level," said Romney, struggling to sharpen the presidential election focus instead on a weak economy and 8.3% national unemployment.

His comments came as aides and party officials hurriedly rewrote the script for the convention, cut from four days to three because of the threat posed by approaching Tropical Storm Isaac. The storm is forecast to gain hurricane strength as it churns through the Gulf of Mexico but to pass well west of the convention city.

The revised schedule included a symbolic 10-minute session on Monday in a nearly empty hall, during which officials intend to launch a debt clock set to zero. The political objective is to show how much the government borrows throughout the convention week.

Officials did not rule out further changes because of the weather, and sidestepped when asked what might happen if, as seemed possible, the storm made landfall in the New Orleans area on the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. That storm killed 1,800 people and devastated the city.

"We're 100% full steam ahead on Tuesday," said Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, expressing confidence the 1-day delay would be the extent of the cancellations.

Despite concerns about the weather, a mammoth pre-convention celebration went on as planned Sunday night, attended by thousands of delegates and others who flocked to the Rays major league baseball stadium turned into a party venue in nearby St. Petersburg.

Priebus said Romney's nomination would take place on Tuesday, as would approval of a conservative party platform.

The former Massachusetts governor delivers his acceptance speech Thursday night before a prime time TV audience, then sets out on the final leg of a quest for the presidency that spans two campaigns and more than five years.

Polls make the race a close one, with a modest advantage for President Barack Obama.

For all the Republican attempts to make the election a referendum on the incumbent's handling of the economy, other events have intervened.

An incendiary comment more than a week ago by Rep. Todd Akin, the party's candidate for a Senate seat in Missouri, is among the intrusions. In an interview, he said a woman's body has a way of preventing pregnancy in the case of a "legitimate rape." The claim is unsupported by medical evidence, and the congressman quickly apologized.

Romney and other party officials, recognizing a political threat, unsuccessfully sought to persuade Akin to quit the race. Democrats have latched onto the controversy, noting not only what Akin said but also his opposition to abortion in all cases.

"Now, Akin's choice of words isn't the real issue here. The real issue is a Republican Party - led by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan - whose policies on women and their health are dangerously wrong," said a recent letter from Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic Party.

The party also posted a Web video that emphasizes the Republican Party's opposition to abortion and digitally alters the Republicans' "Romney-Ryan" logo to say "Romney Ryan Akin."

Interviewed on Fox, his comments broadcast on Sunday, Romney said the controversy over Akin "hurts our party and I think is damaging to women."

Romney spent the day in New Hampshire where he has a summer home. Aides said he was spending part of his afternoon practicing his convention speech with the use of a teleprompter.

Delegates marked time as the storm raked the Florida Keys to the south of the convention city en route to a projected landfall along the Gulf Coast.

"Somebody raised the prospect of marathon Monopoly. I favor the game Risk, but we'll see," said Tom Del Beccaro, chairman of the California delegation. I think people will just be ready for Tuesday and be pretty energetic then."

Hundreds of miles away, Romney said he was concerned for the safety of those who "are going to be affected" by the storm, which is predicted to worsen into a hurricane as it heads for landfall along the Gulf Coast.

In a presidential race defined by its closeness, Republican office-holders past and present said the party must find a way to appeal to women and Hispanics, and they said the economy was the way to do it.

"We have to point out that the unemployment rate among young women is now 16%, that the unemployment rate among Hispanics is very high, that jobs and the economy are more important, perhaps, than maybe other issues," said Arizona Sen. John McCain, who lost to Obama in 2008.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush agreed, saying that Romney "can make inroads if he focuses on how do we create a climate of job creation and economic growth." If he succeeds, "I think people will move back towards the Republican side," Bush added.

Obama leads Romney among women voters and by an overwhelming margin among Hispanics, but he trails substantially among men.

The result is a race that is unpredictably close, to be settled in a small number of battleground states.

An estimated $500 million has been spent on television commercials so far by the two candidates, their parties and supporting outside groups, nearly all of it in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. Those states account for 100 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the White House.

Republicans have made no secret that they are eager to expand the electoral map to include Pennsylvania, Michigan, perhaps running mate Paul Ryan's Wisconsin and even Minnesota, states with 68 electoral votes combined.

All four are usually reliably Democratic in presidential campaigns. Yet Romney has a financial advantage over the president, according to the most recent fundraising reports, and a move by the Republicans into any of them could force Obama to dip into his own campaign treasury in regions he has considered relatively safe.

Making his case for the support of female voters, Romney said in the Fox interview: "'Look, I'm the guy that was able to get health care for all of the women and men in my state. ... 'I'm very proud of what we did."

It was a rare voluntary reference to the legislation he signed as governor of Massachusetts that required the state's residents to purchase coverage, the sort of mandate that is at the heart of Obama's federal legislation that conservatives oppose and Romney has vowed to see repealed.

Romney added that the state law was put into place "without cutting Medicare, which obviously affects a lot of women."

That was a reference to the federal law, which cut more than $700 billion in projected Medicare costs to help provide health care to millions who could not otherwise afford it.

Medicare generally favors Democrats as a political issue, but Romney has aggressively sought to cut into that advantage. He released a new television ad criticizing Obama's handling of the program with a catchphrase of "It ain't right."

The streets around the convention hall were crowded with police, National Guard and other security officials, who manned checkpoints in squads rather than individually.

A few hundred protesters gathered in a park about a half-mile from the convention vowed to make their point regardless of Tropical Storm Isaac. They set out large blocks of ice spelling out the words "middle class," and left them to melt on a warm, humid day, a gesture meant to signify middle class disappearance in a tough economy.

Bush and McCain were interviewed on NBC, and Priebus spoke on CNN.

Associated Press writers Tamara Lush and Brendan Farrington in Florida, Steve Peoples in New Hampshire, Philip Elliott in Wisconsin and Alicia Caldwell in Washington contributed to this story.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.fox19.com/story/19377766/isaac-casts-shadow-over-gop-convention-campaign

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Dev Sex Tape Reportedly Being Shopped

Singer Dev made a sex tape apparently. According to TMZ, the video shows the "Dancing in the Dark" singer doing the horizontal mambo night vision style.

The Dev sex tape was shot last year with an ex-boyfriend and is being shopped to the highest bidder by a third party. It's unclear how the tape was acquired.

Ooh LA LA!

Dev Photo

According to TMZ, which luckily (or unluckily) seems to get a screening of these videos, it's fairly vanilla as far as sex tapes go. Conventional boning.

Dev (real name Devin Tailes) is clearly recognizable based on her tattoos - a diamond on her front left shoulder and two sparrows on her lower back.

No word yet on whether there's been any interest in seeing Dev - also the female voice in Far East Movement's "Like a G6" - fornicate on film.

[Photo: WENN.com]

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/08/dev-sex-tape-reportedly-being-shopped/

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Isaac bears down on Florida after lashing Caribbean

KEY WEST, Florida (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Isaac lashed south Florida with winds and heavy rain on Sunday after battering the Caribbean, disrupting plans for the Republican National Convention in Tampa and threatening to interrupt about half of U.S. offshore oil output.

Isaac is expected to strengthen to a Category 2 hurricane and hit the Gulf Coast somewhere between Florida and Louisiana at midweek - on or near the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina - the U.S. National Hurricane Center said in an advisory.

A hurricane watch was extended westward to include New Orleans, which was devastated when Katrina struck the city on August 29, 2005, killing more than 1,800 people and causing billions of dollars of damage to the Gulf Coast.

Isaac is due to be at or near hurricane strength when its center crosses the Florida Keys late on Sunday, the Miami-based hurricane center said. A storm becomes a hurricane when sustained winds reach a minimum of 74 miles per hour.

It would be the first hurricane to hit Florida in seven years and the NHC said the storm was expected to strengthen to a Category 2 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 105 miles per hour, as it swept up the Gulf of Mexico.

At 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT) on Sunday, Isaac was about 80 miles east-southeast of Key West and packing top sustained winds of 65 miles per hour, according to the Miami-based NHC.

More than half of the restaurants and other businesses were shuttered in the tourist haven of Key West on Sunday, at the southernmost tip of the U.S. mainland, after many visitors heeded official warnings to head home early.

Gulf of Mexico oil operators on Sunday braced for the first hurricane to affect the U.S. oil patch in 2012, which could shut down of more than half of U.S. offshore oil output. Isaac's more westerly expected track brings it closer to the heart of the U.S. offshore oil patch, which produces about 23 percent of U.S. oil output and 7 percent of its natural gas output.

So far, Isaac has shut about 9 percent of offshore oil output, according to U.S. officials. That number will rise in coming days, according to forecasters at Weather Insight, an arm of Thomson Reuters, who predict the storm will spur short-term shut-downs of 51 percent of U.S. offshore oil capacity and 52 percent of its natural gas output.

London-based BP Plc, the biggest U.S. Gulf producer, said it will shut production at all of its Gulf of Mexico oil and gas platforms and evacuate all workers on Sunday.


Republicans, who will formally nominate former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney as their presidential candidate for the November election, will convene their four-day meeting on Monday as scheduled, then recess until Tuesday.

In its latest advisory, the NHC said Isaac was churning west-northwest at 18 miles per hour. The storm was officially expected to make landfall anywhere between the Florida Panhandle and eastern Louisiana early on Wednesday as a Category 2 hurricane, capable of causing extensive damage due to extremely dangerous winds.

Tampa, located on Florida's west coast, faces a threat of both winds and heavy rains from Isaac, according to NHC meteorologist David Zelinsky.

"For the Tampa area, storm surge values could be three to five feet above ground," Zelinsky said, referring to the threat of storm-driven inundations of the city from Tampa Bay.

In Haiti, Isaac added to the misery of more than 350,000 survivors of the 2010 earthquake still living in flimsy resettlement camps as water gushed into tents and corrugated plastic shacks ripped apart by the wind.


Authorities in the impoverished nation said on Sunday the storm had killed seven people in Haiti, including a 10-year-old girl killed when a wall fell on her and a woman crushed to death by a falling tree.

In the Dominican Republic, officials said three people were missing, including the mayor of a town near Santo Domingo swept away as he tried to save another person from a flooded river.

No deaths or injuries were reported in Cuba, which got off lightly when the storm crossed its eastern flank instead of raking up the length of the island as originally predicted, but it still sustained damage.

Baracoa, the island's easternmost city, appeared to get the worst of the storm, which sent 13-foot (4-metre) waves crashing over the seawall and into the streets. Cuban TV reports said more than 1,000 people had to be evacuated and 50 buildings were damaged.

"The force of the waves has destroyed the farmer's market for small businesses, also the children's area of a park and various homes," said Baracoa resident Olider Aguilera by telephone.

By Sunday afternoon much of Key West looked like a ghost town. But a few hardy tourists were staying put.

"We booked months in advance. The next thing I know we have a hurricane," said Diane Vaccaro, a grandmother from New Jersey vacationing with her sister and husband Andrew.

She said it would be her eighth hurricane.

"It's just fun. You ride it out and you can say 'I did it. I survived,'" said Vaccaro.

(Additional reporting by Tom Brown and David Adams in Miami, Andrew Inerrarity in Key West, Nelson Acosta in Havana, Susana Ferreira in Port-au-Prince and Manuel Jimenez in Santo Domingo; writing by Tom Brown and Jeff Franks; editing by Mohammad Zargham)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/tropical-storm-isaac-hits-cuba-drenching-haiti-022351417.html

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    National program aims to fight childhood obesity in Georgia | The ...

    Today, more than 23 million of our nation?s children and teenagers are considered overweight or obese. It?s an epidemic that continues to plague this country. Not only is it debilitating physically, but it significantly affects our already-fragile health-care system. Simply put, we can?t afford to let this epidemic grow.

    THOSE AFFECTED with childhood obesity are at serious risk for developing health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer and other problems that usually affect adults. Each year, childhood obesity costs $14 billion in direct health costs! In Georgia alone, this disease affects 21.3 percent of your children, the second-highest in the nation.

    Over the years, I?ve dedicated my efforts to raising awareness about childhood obesity and have made progress on this front. However, we have a long way to go. September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, and it provides us with a great opportunity to openly discuss this disease and share insights into what?s being done, and what can be done, to combat it.

    Fighting obesity isn?t easy, and it will take a lot of helping hands to get, and keep, us on the right track. Parents, health-care providers, organizations, educators and others are key to making a positive impact in the health of our children.

    In fact, all of these groups were instrumental in supporting my
    efforts to launch a fitness campaign in California that grew in 2011 to 1.4 million students, who all took part in a monthlong fitness challenge. Over the course of seven years, we saw a decrease in childhood obesity rates in California, and as a beneficial side effect, schools that participated in the campaign witnessed increased academic scores!

    The ?California project? had such a positive impact on the health of kids that I decided to expand the program nationwide. We created the National Foundation for Governors? Fitness Councils, which is a multimillion-dollar physical fitness campaign. This newly launched program seeks to encourage and reward innovation in the field of youth fitness by awarding state-of-the-art fitness centers to schools that use new and unique methods to promote student physical activity and wellness.

    Making this campaign even greater is the fact that it doesn?t rely on taxpayers or state funding. It?s fully funded through a public/private sector partnership with companies such as Coca-Cola. This year alone, we will be putting fitness centers in schools throughout Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., and Massachusetts.

    THE NATIONAL Foundation for Governors? Fitness Councils program will roll out in Georgia within the next year, and will eventually include all 50 states. Our goal is to have fitness centers in every elementary and middle school in the United States, enabling us to help build a nation that, through innovation and a ?don?t quit? attitude, boasts the fittest and healthiest kids in the world.

    As the nation recognizes September as National Childhood Obesity Month, we can celebrate knowing that we are tackling this issue head-on and that the more people we get on board, the greater success we will have in making childhood obesity a thing of the past.

    We know that physical activity and exercise can help prevent and treat more than 40 chronic diseases; enhance individual health and quality of life; and reduce health-care costs. And studies have shown that physical activity improves academic achievement; increases confidence and self-esteem; and reduces discipline problems.

    I?ve always believed that academics and fitness go hand in hand, and if you provide the schools with the tools, students will excel beyond their wildest dreams. What?s clear is that if we can help students become passionate about being physically fit, it will pay off substantially in the long run.

    My motto in life has always been, ?Don?t quit!? Don?t quit on yourself, don?t quit on your family and don?t quit on the great state of Georgia. I encourage parents, educators and community leaders to visit nationalgovcouncil.org during National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month to learn more about the steps Georgia can take to participate in the program and to reap the rewards being physically fit can provide.

    (The writer is chairman of the National Foundation for Governors? Fitness Councils, and best known as the creator of a line of fitness equipment and as the host of a
    syndicated TV show, both called
    Body by Jake.)

    Source: http://chronicle.augusta.com/opinion/opinion-columns/2012-08-25/national-program-aims-fight-childhood-obesity-georgia

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    'America's Next Top Model' Star Lisa D'Amato, Then And Now (PHOTOS)

    The 19th cycle of "America's Next Top Model" premiered last week, giving a whole new crop of young women -- this time, college students -- a chance to be on top.

    But while the attention has been focused on the fresh faces in the latest season, what about former contestants who graced the small screen in the past, vying for fame and fortune in the cutthroat modeling world? Our friends over at Snakkle.com have put together some now-and-then photos of past fame seekers, including Lisa D'Amato.

    D'Amato first appeared on Cycle 5 of "ANTM" in 2005 and later returned for the show's 17th cycle, also known as the "All-Stars" season, and ended up taking home the final prize.

    Here's one then-and-now photo. For more "America's Next Top Model" flashback photos, head over to Snakkle.com.

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    • America's Next Top Model Cycle 19 Judges

      Kelly Cutrone

    • America's Next Top Model Cycle 19 Judges

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    Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/25/americas-next-top-model-lisa-damato-photos_n_1830227.html

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    Zev won?t run for LA Mayor

    Zev Yaroslavsky this morning announced that he would not seek the office of the Mayor of Los Angeles next year; he will remain on the Board of Supervisors until his final term there ends in 2014.

    Mr. Yaroslavsky made his intentions clear sooner than later, just as he promised WeHo News in an exclusive interview ten days ago.

    At that time, he said, ?I make no? give no deadlines, no dates, but sooner rather than later.?

    Less than two weeks later, he said he had decided; he would ?complete my current term on the board and then move on to the other things?? He said he had given the issue great thought in a posted announcement on his web blog.

    ?For many months, I?ve been wrestling with one of the most difficult decisions of my political life?whether to run for the office of Mayor of Los Angeles.

    ?I?ve been urged to enter next year?s race by friends, supporters and residents throughout the city,? he said, ?and I?ve been humbled and touched by the confidence they?ve placed in me.?


    Although restating his dislike of term limits, he had to admit that ?four decades is long enough for any citizen to hold elective office.?

    Starting public life early, Mr. Yaroslavsky?s first action gaining him public notice was as a 21-year-old UCLA student orchestrating high-profile protests against oppressive treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union.

    He ran for LA City Council in 1975, beating the establishment?s pick and stunning the city?s politicians.

    Running for a vacant seat in 1994, he won election to the County Board, also known as the ?five dauphins,? Mr. Yaroslavsky represents the Third Supervisorial District of Los Angeles County, which encompasses the cities of?Malibu,?Santa Monica,?West Hollywood,?Calabasas, as well as most of the western?San Fernando Valley?and other portions of the City of?Los Angeles.

    In his statement he also said, ?I?m a lifelong resident of Los Angeles, a city facing serious challenges and opportunities.

    ?I have no doubt that, with my expertise and experience, I could help transform L.A.?s fortunes. In the end, however, it is this very length of service that has tipped the scales for me.


    ?By the end of my current term on the Board of Supervisors in December, 2014, I will have served the people of the city and county of Los Angeles for nearly 40 eventful, productive and fulfilling years.

    ?Beginning as a 26 year-old councilman, I have quite literally come of age in public life at the forefront of Los Angeles? most critical issues.

    ?Simply put, it?s time for a new generation of leaders to emerge and guide this region into the future.

    He said in the letter that his staff and he ?will give our all during the next 27 months to get the job done.?

    According to initial reactions in the media, his bowing out of the race is likely to help LA City Controller Wendy Greuel?s campaign make headway with funders and consultants.

    Still, removing the momentous obstacle of a Zev Yaroslavsky campaign redounds to Council member Eric Garcetti?s campaign for mayor.

    With several others of some visibility, such as developer Rick Caruso, in the race, Mr. Yaroslavsky?s decision to not throw in opens up helps them to increase their public profile.

    According to various reports, the Supervisor began to call backers and supporters he had kept on the fence last night to let them know of his intentions.


    Source: http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/Pages.php?choice=7169

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    Spain regions, doctors defy immigrant healthcare ban

    MADRID (Reuters) - Some Spanish doctors and regions say they will defy a ban on free healthcare for an estimated 150,000 undocumented immigrants, imposed by the central government as part of spending cuts to avoid an international bailout.

    Five of Spain's 17 autonomous regions - including Catalonia and Andalucia which provide more than a third of national economic output and are not governed by the central government's ruling People's Party (PP) - said they would continue to treat immigrants who have no papers.

    The ruling conservatives plan to end free treatment from the beginning of September as part of their austerity drive, aimed at cutting one of the euro zone's largest budget deficits and convincing nervous investors they can control Spain's finances.

    Critics say the number of immigrants without papers is estimated at only about 150,000, so barring them from medical treatment would save very little and was pandering to prejudice.

    "The new law is not ethical, it's not cost efficient, and it makes no sense for the public health system. It's based on myths that immigrants are abusing the system that are not true," said Alvaro Gonzalez, a specialist at a hospital in the northern region of Asturias who has led opposition to the measure.

    The nearly 6 million documented immigrants in Spain, most of them legal residents, account for only 5 percent of the country's healthcare costs, according to a study by La Caixa bank published last year.

    Some doctors in PP-ruled regions also reject a ban which they say is at odds with Spain's universal healthcare service and could end up costing the state more if immigrants go to hospital emergency rooms instead of seeing a regular doctor.

    The Spanish Society for Family and Community Medicine, which initiated the campaign against the PP ban, says more than 1,400 doctors have signed up, including 22 percent of primary health providers from the PP-governed region of Madrid.

    Regions not controlled by the PP have used the ban as a focus for their opposition to central government spending cuts.

    Andalucia, ruled by the Socialist Party, hopes the government will change its stance by September, when public workers and labor unions plan protests against spending cuts.

    "We are talking about people here, and a universal, free healthcare system that cannot change from one day to the next to stop treating these people," Maria Jesus Montero, head of Andalucia's health department, told Reuters.

    She said the region was committed to making cuts to reduce its deficit, but not in healthcare and education, which were 'red lines' the central government could not cross.

    (Reporting by Nigel Davies; editing by Fiona Ortiz and Tim Pearce)

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/spain-regions-doctors-defy-immigrant-healthcare-ban-093518403--business.html

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    Scholarships are in decline as tuition soars

    College students have it tough these days with ever-increasing tuition bills and record levels of debt. But in recent years, there's been one bright spot for student finances: a deep pot of scholarship money.

    There's trouble on the horizon, however. New data shows that the percentage of those winning cash scholarships, typically awarded on the basis of merit, is falling dramatically. The change could have wide-ranging consequences for students, their parents and the schools alike.

    The percentage of students reporting winning scholarships dropped markedly, to 35 percent in the 2011-2012 school year, from 45 percent the year before, according to How America Pays for College 2012, a recent survey of college students and their families by student lender Sallie Mae.

    Scholarship recipients are still getting almost exactly the same amount as the previous year, an average of $7,673. But the availability of money is being hurt as cash-strapped states cut funding for scholarships to public schools and the schools themselves aren't always able to make up the difference.

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    If the trend persists, it could result in a ripple effect that alters the financial decision-making of countless American families: where students enroll, how much they're willing to pay, and who comes up with the money.

    A scholarship squeeze could affect students of all stripes, but particularly those at public institutions, because of sheer numbers. Some 15.5 million students are expected to attend two- and four-year public institutions this year, according to the Center for Education Statistics. That's about 72 percent of all the U.S. students seeking higher education.

    "Schools were stepping up their scholarships to help" cover rising educational costs, says Sarah Ducich, senior vice president for public policy at Sallie Mae the largest U.S. student lender. "We wondered whether that was sustainable. This year we found out that it's not."

    $8 million to zero
    Some states, like Georgia and Florida, have altered scholarship rules regarding who qualifies and how much money they get. Others have taken even more drastic steps.

    Michigan's Merit and Promise scholarship program doled out more than $8 million to more than 6,500 students at the University of Michigan for the 2007-2008 school year, according to Pam Fowler, executive director of the college's Office of Financial Aid. By 2010-2011, that had fallen to zero.

    Cash-poor states aren't providing more scholarship money despite record high enrollments, says Haley Chitty, spokesperson for the Washington, D.C.-based National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.

    "That means fewer funds are being spread out among more and more students," Chitty says.

    According to Illinois State University's Grapevine project, which tabulates every state's financial support for higher education, such funding fell an average of 7.6 percent in 2011-2012.

    For example, Georgia's HOPE scholarships at Atlanta's Kennesaw State University plunged to $26.1 million last school year, from $38.4 million the year before, as new rules raised eligibility requirements and covered less of the total bills, reports Ron Day, the school's director of financial aid.

    "Schools have been pumping in their personal funds to keep kids in school, but those funds are getting depleted, and the revenue's just not there from the state," he says.

    Student worries
    Dixie Miller, a student in computer graphics design at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Florida, is among those worried about potential cutbacks to scholarships and grants. In the past, Miller benefited from scholarship money from the state of Florida and Pell grants from the federal government.

    But Florida's state support of education continues to fall, down 17.5 percent in the last five years, and Miller worries that her own scholarship could be among the casualties (she finds out in September).

    "Every time we turn around there seems to be more red tape and cuts," says Miller, a single mom of a teenager.

    If there is indeed a shallower pool of grant and scholarship money going forward, families will continue to respond in a couple of key ways, Sallie Mae's Ducich notes.

    First, students will likely foot more of the bills since parents are getting financially tapped out. And second, debt loads may increase.

    In 2010-2011, for instance, students chipped in 26 percent of total educational costs, according to the How America Pays for College study. Last school year, they had to contribute 30 percent.

    Some of that added cash is coming out of their savings and income, Sallie Mae found, but most is attributed to increased borrowing - not a heartening sign for future debt loads.

    Ray of hope?
    It is possible the situation is less grim than it currently appears. This school year's financial aid numbers are still a work in progress. The College Board is scheduled to release its annual Trends in Student Aid report this fall, which will give a more complete picture of whether national scholarship totals are indeed being trimmed back.

    "The Sallie Mae findings are interesting, but need to be taken with a grain of salt," says Sandy Baum, a co-author of the College Board report and a senior fellow at George Washington University's Graduate School of Education. "It's a survey that relies on responses, whereas Trends in Student Aid deals with hard data. It's not clear that in tough times aid goes down."

    But certainly the steep scholarship drop that students are reporting is worrisome. For students like Dixie Miller, it's the waiting game that's driving her crazy.

    "We know there will likely be cuts, but we don't yet know to what degree," says Miller, who aims to finish her bachelor's degree at the University of South Florida. "I really have no earthly idea how to budget for this year."

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